A GrangerPub gameplay disruption log

8 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion Regarding How Rules Are Applied

Previous responses moved since I believe they didn’t belong here. If you have any concerns, just PM me. kthx

oh look, another fag who only supports the human team. is there an unbiased reason why u chose to keep the game fucked up for the alien team with also 10+ players ?

The game would’ve been over in less than 5 minutes had I gotten rid of him. Why does it even tear you a new asshole that he wasn’t banned directly? It would’ve been the same shit had he been on the alien side (except for the fact it was stacked as shit.). You just sound like a mindless, very bland troll to me.

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irrelevant. why not balance the teams sizes ? also, where were ?

because of ur weak mentality by which u succumb to such matters.

Because they were balanced already as they were.

i mean after removing the dickhead.

How do U want me to do that? Plug a potato into the craptop’s USB ports to give it extra processing power so I can reach a refresh rate higher than 10 fps? Spawn players magically out of my ass or putteam people and piss them off?

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u don’t need moar than 10 FPS to lascamp on the reactor.

I have better shit to do than sit on the RC with a lasgun for 45mns to be honest.

I just want you to know that you legit made my day with this shit. Laughed my fucking ass off.

[citation needed]

oh man i missed some critical disruption events.


admin-actions speak the truth more than forum posts. ur clanmate doesn’t give a fuck, even supports Desala, and causes the otherwise most prominent GrangerHub developer to turn against the project.

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how do u know ? u weren’t there, were u ? do the server logs show that such a decrease in admin level did not happen ?

Fk|Elan, also known as Fk|Hero, does not have !setlevel on GrangerPub.

hmm, post fixed. fucking lies uncovered.

ya know, this may turn out to be a call for a new „GrangerHub forum disruption log” thread.

this must mean that he did not have /setlevel at that time, unless u’re trying to lie with safety of repudiability by hiding an unobvious interpretation (ie., „fact: now he does not have /setlevel — unless he’s a dickhead, he will attempt to interpret this by assuming good faith”). so through which admin was i admin-leveled down ?

WRONG! In fact you just broke it.

Active aminz with setlevel: virus, ckit, cron, sparky, shuffle and me

Feel free to ask around. Hero has never had !setlevel on GrangerPub to my knowledge, and at the very least, definitely not in the past few months (not sure if his level ever had access to !setlevel in the past).

Only level 9s ever had access to !setlevel on pub and club.