Random Dev. Shots

I think it’s actually an issue with the way cubemaps add to the specular light. With a specular map that’s full black it can still appear that way.

WRONG. (it depends on the implementation.)

i think you know what coming next >>>>


OMG! Aliens have obtained telenode building capabilities!


What’s that new mapping? I can’t wait it… :smiley:

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Remake of fort5!


Oh yeah, now I see it :smiley: ! That is going to be pretty awesome with the eX texturepack.

61 posts were split to a new topic: Fort5, Tremor and other maps Remakes discussion

original material plox

@faceman any material plox. What year was it that you last released a good map?

@faceman more Random Dev. Shots plox :smiley: ! ! !

When you are done with Fort5, could you please remake Uncreation (so that it is actually fun to play)? I would say that of all the default maps, Uncreation is the one that needs a serious makeover the most, and I don’t think anyone has even attempted remaking it.

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inb4 it’s still shit with death gaps and tight long halls, but hey atleast it’ll look good.

Oh man stop making Meajong EXPLODE xD

I want kaiji_starside hotel matthly redone!


Hate that map :">


Omg yes please, and with the eX texture pack!

a reason to remake it better!

Then make it good, add a couple more hotels :wink:
