Any chance of re-vitalizing Tremulous?

[quote=“dGr8LookinSparky, post:19, topic:118”]
Hendrich, we are a bit ahead of you on this buddy [/quote]

I’m going to ask you to be specific for the rest of us who are going to be lurking this thread years after this post was made.

It can maybe work, having a dynamic system to allocate credits/Evos across players evenly would be baller and miles ahead of whatever stupid shit was in Trem1.1. But it’ll need to be tested extensively to a mirror-sheen and the numbers readily accessable to anyone curious.

What I mean is that GrangerHub already has warmup implemented on the test8976 server, and your description of warmup mostly matches what is currently being tested.

As long as it stays in Warmup and doesn’t affect the actual match, everything is peachy.

@wogomo can explain this more accurately than me.

Here is how the “pre-game warmup” currently works on the most part. Warmup occurs before every “regular” match. in warmup you get unlimited evos/credits, and effectively have stage 3. Buildings that are killed respawn a few seconds later. Builders can permanently decon buildings on their own team, and can instantly build with no timer. Scores remain at 0 during warmup. When warmup is over, the “regular” match begins fresh.

The conditions that warmup can end are as follows: If at least 50% of the players on each team are /ready, warmup instantly ends. If at least 66% of the players on one of the team are /ready, a countdown to end warmup in 1 minute begins. If there are at least 4 total players on the human team and/or alien team, a 5 minutes countdown to end warmup begins. When devmode is turned on, admins can instantly end warmups with /allready.

If in a regular match after warmup, both the human and alien teams become empty, a 1 minute countdown to renter warmup begins.

If during any of the above countdowns, the conditions that trigger a countdown are no longer satisfied, the countdown is cancelled.

There are many other little features of wrmup as well, and warmup may change as it is tested further.

Your explanations of what is currently available are mostly correct, however…

More specifically if the conditions for countdown happen again, the countdown is restarted again from the beginning.

This bit above is not exactly as you described. Warmup is only re-entered when a game ends. If teams become empty during a regular game nothing special happens.

Additionally there is to be a 1/2 minute buffer (not implemented yet) at the beginning of a new game whereby the /ready command is not enabled yet. Once you are > 30 seconds into warmup, you are then allowed to use /ready. At least this is what I understand from the discussions we’ve had.

A bit off-topic here - but it is annoying to join a server that has been empty for a while, only to find an abandoned game in progress. Perhaps the server should restart the round after 20 minutes (adjustable cvar) of inactivity (no players connected) and re-enter warmup mode?