Elite Blaster Strike Force [EBSF]

Just updated the roster for you lazy nignogs. I made it a staff post so the background is black, let me know if you want it gone.

Side note, use markdown and BBCode. It’ll be a lot less of a pain in the ass to edit than HTML. Other note, text centering is disabled at the moment.

I don’t see the update.

It was




Did you expect an entire reformating? I could do that too.

No lol. I just thought you meant you were updating it to the Cadet section as well, also YellowLightning is a full member.

Nevermind, I had to reload the page.

welcome si and maximus


add me

You guys should show up one day with the names ,Blaster" ,Strike" and ,force."

That’d be lit.


cause I’m elite kk

omg I get the joke now!!


lit blaster strike force

Elaborate Beautiful Spermy Facials will never show up under those names. We take more pride in our aliases than that :*

elite is no longer part of ebsf sorry kiddo u blew it

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This is kind of patronizing is it not? I’d expect a bit more maturity from the clan leader… “kiddo” “u blew it”

A simple “Elite is no longer apart of EBSF” would have sufficed.

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top kek m8

None of your business.

I guess you don’t remember when YOU were publicly embarrassed on these forums. Have some humanity and stop acting like some big shot because you’re in the EBSF.

I literally just said that “applez reputation” is none of your business, so do not come to bring trouble to our poll.