Instead of having a more complex in game player info tab (TAB) and for screen space saving purposes, having 2 different tables and alternating betweeen them by double tabbing could be easier. One will show Kills, deaths, and K/D ratio (kills/deaths) and the other one an efficency rating taking kills, deaths, damage done, damage received, buildings constructed, buildings destroyed and teamdamage done, but not showing all of them, just the rating.
Please place your thoughts about this.
Edit: I’m still figuring out the formula to calculate efficiency accordingly.
Edit 2: This is obviously 2 different tabs than the Score TAB, that will remain as it is. You tab see SCORE, TAB TAB see K/D, TAB TAB and you see Efficiency, TAB TAB and you return to SCORE, etc.
k/d always becomes a statistic which people use to judge skill etc, i’ve found that it usually induces camp.
I have no statistical evidence right now as the edge gpp stat page was taken down recently but i’ve played on edge (unlimited bp gpp server) and in the early days people were rushing and building forwards, then a stat system was introduced (like an actual forum as well, not just in game, it showed kills/deaths, kills per minute, score per minute, fav weapons, kills per weapon, deaths per weapon, building kills etc etc, team reliability = how often did you quit matches / switch teams, alien games played vs human games played in %) and the game became insanely campy as people mainly look at k/d and not the other things. I would actually prefer to just keep the stats ingame as it is, there’s already too much rant / md camp in tunnels, adding k/d will probably only mean that you’re going to see more rants and more chainsuits, and less people using things like mara and basi (which is a shame imo)
Efficiency is a good concept as it “rewards” you for rushing, but i’d take out the deaths concept in the calculation.
-10 likes for gpp>1.1 argument here i guess but why not use the gpp score system. It was something like +4 score for killing a dretch or rifle, +5(or 10 idk) for killing acid/ret, 60-70 for om/rc, -10 for suicide or tk, i think test7341 already uses this system, and it’s not like it really influences gameplay (strategy wise it does because people rush more for score, but it’s not like rant suddenly gets 800hp or some dumb shit because of this) we might as well try
I can’t say that New Edge’s game stats were a primary cause of camping in that mod. There were so many other factors in the game play that contributed towards camping, but camping has always been a fundamental problem in Trem to some degree, even in 1.1 vanilla.
But I have noticed that in 1.1 vanilla with the score based only on kills, the primary focus is on kills, rather than necessarily on strategies that win games in trem’s game play. Players do generally put importance on scores, whether knowingly or subconsciously but what Trem needs is a score system that accurately reflects quality overall game play specifically for trem. GPP’s score system still did not do this.
Sparky first of all i don’t have access to that topic.
Agreed, New Edge’s gameplay was campy, but the fact that k/d was the way of seeing how “good” someone was made people abuse the campy gameplay. If you make camping the strongest and easiest way of playing the game, then make the main way of ranking players’ skill based on k/d, you’re gonna have a campy time.
Gpp score system would probably increase the number of adv goons relative to rants because goons can get ez score ez life vs humans camping in base by sniping rets and teslas while rants usually have to suicide, this would also reduce the amount of chainsuits because they’re mainly used for killing rants (anyone that uses them vs goons can burn in the deepest pits of hell, but it’s usually only noobs that use chainsuit vs nonrant aliens ez 3-chomps) right now score = kills which promotes rant (read: cancer) gameplay.
That is why I talked about the /howfair command, keeping the things fair using that data could avoid the camping you are saying by avoiding good players to only join a team while we have novice players in the other.
k/d alone is not the best stat. many times you can see a team with a leader or two with 70+ kills and they loose the game. i’ve seen one stat that were used to automatically used to autobalance the game was percentage of won matches. but ppl started to switched teams just before end so probably percentage of time spent in the winning team may be better
Camping is something that can’t be fixed, a lot of games have it, and It is certainly a game strategy, but considering how tremulous gameplay was created, it stimulates camping even more than it is normally seen in other games. The objective is not to ELIMINATE camping because it isnt achievable, it is to have the same number of efficient players in each team (the ones that go outside and dont camp) so it doesnt feel all the team is camping, some people just camp because they like it that way, I can’t argue with that.
Thats why it is better to take the player rating or efficiency of a player, that considers a lot of variables instead of only K/D stat.
Btw don’t see this as a ad hominem but regardless of whether this system is a good idea: Why are you wasting your time on this non-game influencing detail when goon pounce is still op on test server…
That isn’t a personal attack at all (so it isn’t an ad hominem).
A score system that accurately reflects overall quality Tremulous game play is essential regardless of the particular game mode in that it would serve as a metric for players to use for guidance in improving their game play.
Such an accurate score would also be a factor in determining the rate at which each player earns karma so that you get rewarded for contributing towards your team rather than for just sitting on the server. There would be a maximum for this rate though as playing well in game isn’t the only factor for earning karma.
Such an accurate score system serves a purpose in the game play of the Swirl Game Mode as well, particularly for determining how many evos/credits killing enemy buildables/players would be worth based on their actual contribution to the game rather than fixed amounts based on their types/classes.