Proper Scrim Procedure & Etiquette

Participants cannot prevent non-participants from joining the voice channels on the GrangerHub Discord server, and there also aren’t voice channels for each individual clan to use there. On the other hand, Fk and (I think) NoS have both had their own Discord servers where all members are present for a while now, so there is no benefit to using the GrangerHub Discord server when it provides even less flexibility.

This would result in way too many games going to time limit; 10 minutes Sudden Death is very short.

When you are making rules for scrimming, you(not specifically you bird :stuck_out_tongue: just like in general, you know?) are not the only person that has an opinion in that matter. Why would you want each clan to make separate rules for themselves and deny any other clans that don’t listen to those rules? That’s how you get no scrims. You should get all the active clan leaders and formulate these rules together.

We need a TS server and a way to access it via web.

Nah will result in who is better win. Without time evo/creds, the clan that has most kills start to rush and the other one start to lose. SD is the option that give a possibility to unskilled clans.

Without time evo/creds, if a team rushes and fails to win during that rush, all of the evos or credits will be transferred to the other team and the team that rushed loses.

Neither team can really win before SD unless they have just been dominating the entire time; in any fairly close scrim, it will always go to SD, and 10 minutes of trying to kill bases just isn’t all that much.

regarding the (originally posted) rules, i have 2 general PROBLEMs:

  • the reasoning behind some rules is WRONG (however, some rules could be saved by fixing the reasoning).
  • the rules r not serious enough.

thus, at the time of this writing, the rules r improper. also, the thread is titled „procedure & etiquette”, even though it has nothing to do with procedures and etiquettes.

<insert_clan_here>: let it be known: we will refuse to scrim not following our rules, and will reference our rule thread anytime necessary. also, anyone refusing to scrim by our rules is a pussy.

(i’m assuming that u’re using some weird-ass format of wins–losses–draws (instead of wins–draws–losses), and i’ll use that as well).

first, let’s not fall into the dichotomy of win/loss or draw. detailed scores contain more information than an extracted judgement. thus, a 1–0–1 should be recorded as a […] 1–0–1 (well, the full replay yields even more information, but it’s not systematic).

second, if a series has already practically begun, then there is no turning back: a final score should be recorded. eg., if (in the 1st match) humans somewhat recognized that it’s more likely that the aliens have skipped / started moving the base in the first few seconds of the game by hearing / not hearing a dretch jump 10 seconds into the match — a significant tipping point, at least for hardcore games —, then the series has begun. if some matches were disrupted due to some externality (eg., the game server crashed during the series, or a meteor hit some relevant network lines), then that should be noted as well.

with the said proper recording of detailed information, no special „tiebraker” is necessary.

due to the asymmetry of the game, there should be no such things as odd „rounds” (ie., „3rd”, „5th”), only pairs of rounds.

nonsense, as i’ve explained. a 1–0–1 may not not be a proper victory, but it is definitely better than a 1–0–1 or 0–0–2.

no, it slows things down — compared to 10m; vice versa. the only good justification can be phrased as „because this is just right” (not saying that 20m is just right).

eg., ppl falling asleep ? support for such cases shows non-seriousness.

again, this non-commitment to play shows non-seriousness.

ur clan sux @ high-level understanding of 1.1.

[quote][pausing] is to aid clans who may have a clan member experiencing real life issues and needs to go afk for a short period of time, or to find a sub for someone who may be leaving.
no, this supporting of non-preparation shows non-seriousness. the „lifelines” to pause exist for a clan to get its act together, in case a plan is not working out.

i have a feeling that u r repeating urself.

don’t u mean at most 1 substitution per 3 other clan-members (ie., max 2 substitutions with 8 players on a side, etc.)?

explain this feeling in detail. how does it compare to the feel of a GRANGER ?


to add to that, unless agreed otherwise, the 2 roles shall be divided randomly.

u r free to demand various options, and refuse to play otherwise, and independently for other reasons.

for example, a clan is free to refuse to scrim with ur clan, by arguing that u ppl r too n00b.

so also, for instance, if a clan does not win match 1, and then that clan has to leave — TOTALLY™_UNINTENTIONAL(R)1(C), then…

also, multiple maps may be played at different times/dates. in other words, a 4-match series is just an agreement to play 2 pairs of 2-match series, and vice versa.


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To anyone @'ing me about not allowing other clan leaders to join in the creation of universal scrim rules.

I addressed bug about it, he responded with: No, we will continue ignoring you as if you guys aren’t here [trem]. (not verbatim, but pretty damn close).

Sparky: Has not said anything he’d like in the rules.

Face: On vacation.

Bug basically told me to fuck off after I asked him to touch in on this thread.

Sorry, I had forgotten you scrimmed a few times every week. Please rewrite the thread for me with your expansive knowledge of competitive Tremulous.

Don’t forget kids, we are all on a rock floating somewhere in space.

Bluntness/Cleanup to the stuff said in the comments on this thread:

I apologize to anyone who felt that Fk was attempting to force these rules upon the server. That is NOT the case. Everyone has the right to play this game how they want to. However, I feel like the only one forcing the issue here. The issue being vague scrim rules and shitty situations in said scrims. All I am trying to do is establish CONCRETE rules that each clan can agree upon and abide by.

The other day I asked Bug to touch on the thread, he said something along the lines of fuck off.

Face is on vacation.

Sparky (while leaving his thoughts) hasn’t aided in the actual modification of scrim rules.

So whoever is telling me to get help from other clan leaders - believe me I’ve tried.

I’m willing to sit down with other competitive voices of this community and establish concrete rules for scrimmages. As it stands, scrimming is very toxic. 1 round win 1 round tie is a skewed and broken rule to aid the underpowered human side in every scrim. Time evos also do not promote ANY dretch gameplay. As it is, dretches are not a valued class in the competitive community. They are worthless when a whole team can camp for 2 minutes and get a dragoon.

We shouldn’t reward high level players that spend hours on this game a week for camping. Camping is probably the most recognized and widespread issue in pubs, it’s not fair to translate that into scrims. Sure this may sound hypocritical given Fk’s performances in scrims in the years. We are not ones to deny our wrongdoing. Yes we have camped, yes we have received plenty of time evos. Yes we have abused 1 round win 1 round tie. That should stop immediately. That is only done by the coalition of multiple competitive players for the establishment of static scrim rules that every clan can use comfortably. What I’ve constructed above is a mere skeleton for said rules. I think they are all fair and they are all justified. Now, I need to know YOUR thoughts.

@Spamo @FaT @Bug @mr_beast @faceman @dGr8LookinSparky @Hero @Ckit @Menace13 @MaeJong

(You can only @ 10 users per post, sorry to any other clansmen or competitive voices that didn’t catch a mention.)

What are your guys thoughts on picking/banning certain maps? Or sub-rules such as picking only vanilla maps?

Jk i would love to see fk have no time evos allow. THAT MEANS THEY WILL ACTUALLY HAVE TO RUSH!?!!?!??!? lets see how that goes


… When’s the last time NoS dretch rushed early? We all time evo, stop being so spiteful.


when does nos not dretch rush early??

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Humans can still hide in their base to troll the opposition and it’s impossible for dretchs to attain kills behind a line of turrets. You would still experience camping at the hands of less experienced players/teams and this time you would be stuck as a rifle or dretch instead of shotty/goon.

Disabling them completely is a solution for now but I think time evos should be adjusted as opposed to removed. The algorithm/method in which they are attained should be adjusted. For example; the time near base statistic in /mystats is already implemented, perhaps you only attain time evos/creds if you are not gaining time on that statictics. That forces both teams outside of the map, potentially holding up in spots in their favour, which I think is great for map gameplay and usage. It allows both teams to be away from their direct spawns and dps structures which means balanced and healthy fights. Another solution could be providing small amounts of evo/credit contributions for tube/turret kills, this provides an incentive to push the opponents base AND kill structures prior to SD.

Two pauses of 2 minutes might be more suitable. [quote=“bird, post:1, topic:2307”]
Only one non-clan sub permitted.

Considering trems dwindling population should the base clan member number exceed 5 it may be more interesting to then allow up to 2 subs.

I’d like clarification on if they request to leave MID round. I think the rounds should always end on an even number, pulling out prior to that encourages rage quitting and swore losers.

Regardless, I am happy to scrim under these rules.

Sorry, but I call that a false good idea. Why is it a false good idea? because you can be near base ( radius ) so you don’t get time-credit while being in the middle of the map, far from your base.( because of wall )

E.G : in nano, when you are at the center of the map, you are “far” from base AND very near of it ( because of radius)


Time evos on and share off?

This is fine.

This is also fine, I was thinking of a standard 4v4/5v5 when making this. Maybe a 6v6 and up can merit 2 non-clan subs.

I’ll refer to my latest post on DevHC’s thread, it explains how I feel about the idea of drawing in this game due to no time evos.

It could be possibly be recoded so it isn’t based upon your proximity to the RC or OM but the nearest friendly structure.