Still I’m sure that a lot of old players will return when they see large numbers of new players, which would be cool (I have a lot of old friends from trem that would be awesome to chill with again), but new players are the most essential.
well bring old players back i just dont see ever happening. they left years ago, theyve probably moved on with their lives, or are into the games with much better graphics
Dushan - signed in 23:33 (GMT+1)
and now, back on topic
new ATCS (I hope that Odin don’t mind because I changed name from EXCS to the ATCS)
This is not a engine demonstration or tech demonstration. it is full and playable version
Video coming very soon.
Dushan - signed out 23:33 (GMT+1)
Oilulous. Looks pretty inreresting, nice.
Very Awesome ! That should be called El Dorado Combat Simulator
. What can be done with the skybox to make it awesome and fit better with the rest of the map?
El Dorito Combatito Simularito.
I didn’t forbid anyone other to change shaders how they like and want
Also if you don’t like something, please fix or change/add it yourself
I will give kudos
I do very much like the effects you are demonstrating. I’m just curious as to what can be done for the skybox with the OpenWolf engine, From the screenshots/video, it looks like you are still using the old original atcs skybox for that version. I remember you demonstrating some interesting skybox features previously, what can be done?
I will add something like this
just better and with new tech.
Possible with rain (at this moment and this day 11/19/2018) I think that
Looking pretty awesome !