Sell buildings for credits

This is the entire point.

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u can make ur own thread about ur completely serious idea of “selling players” thx.

Please stop derailing this otherwise constructive thread, I’m trying to have a civilized discourse here.

I think your idea is not serious, because it would make all bases empty.

Fair point, but from my perspective it seemed like enneract was trying to collaborate. That being said, his criticisms of your idea appears on-topic and valid. I don’t think its a good idea to assume he is trolling you.


It was a hyperbole. A base doesn’t have to be entirely empty to be useless. You could keep increasing the “minimum team BP” knob, but that would defeat the whole point of selling buildables.

so ur definition of “useless base” can include bases with reactor, two nodes, arm, medi, and three turrets for example

As a reminder, please review the about page for this category:

The idea is to brainstorm, and inspiration and the best innovative ideas can often be found in the extreme depths of the silly and absurd. So keep the creativity coming :slight_smile: .

Instead of removing the player, what if the player was turned into a ret? But I have a question, how would it be decided if a specific player should be “sold”? What is to stop a less skilled and less active player from selling a more skilled rushing player when he stops for a moment at the armory (or for some other reason)?

A teamvote perhaps?

So allow teammates to buy back players?

I thought it’d be more interesting if players were sold permanently.

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again the goal here is not “make the team better”

the goal is make the game better by giving ppl a new strategic option.

there is no downside to “SELLING A PLAYER” b/c u are giving value to something that is valueless. so ppl would always sell any noob. would u rather keep noob alive so it feeds and gives credit to enemy, or sell noob so it stops spawning and get rewarded with ur own credits? no contest

if u have salvage mechanic u leave it up to players to decide

for example base hasn’t been attacked in a while. sell some buildings to try to get advantage.

or base is getting pummeled and players all naked. mb sell 1-2 so ppl can afford chainsuit.

u let players decide. ur job is decide how to balance specifics. minimum BP, BP respawn timer, value of buildings salvaged.

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The good point with sellings players is that you can give their full credits/evoes to whoever sold them.

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So are you trying to make teams worse then?

They wouldn’t be valueless if you could sell them for credits. That’s the entire point.

Sell parts of the base while it’s under attack? I can’t see how this could possibly benefit a team. Sure, you get some credits, but it would have to be a huge amount to offset the value lost by deleting defence.

A brilliant idea, makes my proposal even better.

no r u having reading trouble

if u wanted ur completely serious idea that belongs in its own thread not ruining mine about “selling players” to make sense u would realize u have it backwards. if anything u should reward people for NOT kicking noobs off team. sort of like i should be rewarded for talking w/troll. for example there is a player with 0 kills and 30 deaths - u should get a “commission” off of how many credits he is giving to the enemy and distribute this to other ppl. so even though the player is bad u also benefit from keeping him around. therefore giving team a strategic decision u can make. some good and some bad vs. some good and some bad.

ur idea is decide between all good and all bad. that’s no decision. it’s automatic → trash can

I understand that you want noobs to be useful to a team and not just feed 24/7 but it’s not how the world operates.

Reward the team for feeding? This is backwards, then you have the gall to say my idea was backwards.

Please elaborate.

…lol i don’t want that? nice try miss cleo.

ur idea is still “SELL PLAYERS” so ya^^

ppl already want to sell noob players even though u get 0 credits from it. it’s called /callteamvote kick. and u have to have special server rules against it b/c it’s considered abuse.

pls consider urself banned from this thread now as u r only trolling with a fake idea and can’t seem to read basic repeated points. u can split a new thread for srs discussion about SELLING OF PLAYERS (:

mb we can consider alternative way. u restrict salvage of building when the team still has unused BP of at least the amount the building costs.

so for example u built whole base except 6 BP, u can salvage turret. now that BP is on say 3 minute timer until it returns BUT u are not restricted from build/salvage in that time anymore. then u can adjust this time to be a multiple of the build time of what u salvaged.

for example turret takes x time to build, if u salvage it the bp is gone for a period of 3x. that means 1 player cannot salvage more than 3 rets before forced to rebuild.

I’m sorry if I misintepreted your posts.

I’m afraid you don’t understand my proposal completely. Selling a player would be permament. If you sold all noobs, there would be no noobs left.

Please refrain from personal attacks, it’s against the rules of civil discourse. It makes you look like the troll.

I get this, but you have to understand that getting rid of all noobs would benefit the game greatly.

What about the side prompts like; players leaving due to being removed from the team for being a noob/needed for evos or credits? Wouldn’t this hurt against the newer community of Tremulous and GrangerHub or the mod itself?[quote=“enneract, post:38, topic:3338”]
I get this, but you have to understand that getting rid of all noobs would benefit the game greatly.

Would it?

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Something else to consider is what if a player sells an important buildable to get credits/evos that that player uses and dies instantly (we’ve all had those moments where we get sully suited up only to be instantly killed upon exiting the base)?

Perhaps selling a buildable should give equal portions of credits/evos to everyone on the team (in a similar way that timed evos/credits does)?

How can we ensure that an essential structure doesn’t get sold. I’m not just talking about spawns/core buildables, but as an example a certain number and placement of rets might be preventing a successful rc hop. Even some buildables that might not generally be very important in most circumstances, can always serve an important strategic role in at least some circumstances.

Getting rid of the people who happen to be noobs has a fundamental flaw. Everyone who starts playing Tremulous starts as a noob, which would mean that we would get rid of everyone who started playing trem, which means no net positive growth for the gam’s playerbase.

A better way to quickly reduce the percentage of the noobs while having a net positive growth for the team is to make it easier for players to transition from the noob state, to a state of knowing what they are doing (i.e. improve the learning curve).

What would also be advantageous is reducing amount of negative impact a noob can have on the rest of the team.