Sir| Clan

Having a European GrangerClub server would encourage more European players to become competitive, and encourage more new and returning European players to stick around and play regularly.

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Europeans are generally better at videos games, so the ping handicap is welcome.


Tbh. alot of europeans prefer lagged then unlagged though. the way i remember it, there was always lagged on euro servers. i agree. a ghub EU server is absolutely something we need. specially for the ones that suffer from high ping.

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I wish I lived in your fantasy world.

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lowkey racism


I’m being realistic. Tremulous can’t stay in a status quo in its current state, making an assumption that Trem will remain as is is unrealistic. Trem will either grow or it will shrink. If we planned for a status quo, shrinking can be expected. GrangerHub is planning for and working towards growth, an outcome that is not only possible, but likely if we keep moving forward. Tremulous is a global project, and needs to be treated as such. Time will tell towards which direction the population and activity of Tremulous will ultimately take.

See my last response.

I am certainly not expecting you to revive tremulous. All I expect is for you to fix a few small bugs to improve overall gameplay, and create a healthy tremulous community that my clan and I can enjoy until we move on to bigger and better things. I do not care for the mods you’re planning on releasing, and I do not care for your fantasy of a revived tremulous. You’re biting off far more than you can chew. I am not trying to discourage you, I actually love that you’re trying. This is simply what I and many other believe to be true.

We shall see how I feel after 1.3 is released S00N™ amirite? Still waiting, bud.

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I can’t even join it your server. Ping restricted.
Don’t like Australians eh? Too laggeh for ya.

Sadly i agree with hero. tremulous started losing it’s majority of players in early 2009. i’m not saying it will die completely. but there won’t be the same amount of population on trem in the future again. i still have the nostalgi from back in the days. cause there were so many players. so many different clans. however, i like your ambitions :slight_smile: i’ve always loved playing tremulous.

I believe it is possible for trem to have a larger population than ever before. But actions speak louder than words :wink: .

Too true[quote=“Hero, post:39, topic:1425”]
Still waiting, bud.



Ironic because SIR used to be an Australian based clan rip

Very S00N3R™


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