Thursday's Tremulous 1.3 Alpha Release

Originally published at:

GrangerHub has just released the highly anticipated first alpha of Tremulous 1.3. This alpha release includes new features, and enhancements for the client software and dedicated server such as:
  • OpenGL2 renderer
  • Multiprotocol support for both the client and the server (backwards compatibility)
  • Lua integration
  • New game installer & updater
  • Tons of bugs fixes
You can find the pre-release alpha at GrangerHub’s public Tremulous repo on github:

Issues can be reported on this page:
Moving forward, the client and the updater for 1.3 will be developed publicly. The game logic source code will not be available until the initial Tremulous 1.3 full release, and game play will continue to be developed on GrangerHub’s private repo, which is publicly tested on the test7341 server for GrangerHub’s development games (held every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday).

Next Thursday, GrangerHub will be announcing the release date for the initial Tremulous 1.3 full release.

Get the latest news and talk about Tremulous on our forum:


You should change the link for now. The branch isn’t merged yet

This is where the main new code s at for the moment until we get the builds working on Travis CI in the next day or so (after which it will be merged into the master branch):

I don’t get it. Is this for developers only? I don’t see any binary downloads for regular players.

Also why pre-release only the client?

True that documentation isn’t GrangerHub’s best part, has been proved several times :stuck_out_tongue:

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I didn’t find any fucking thing while browsing thoroughly, ended up cloning master (ofc, it’s linked to so why not), had to remove the CC file because it broke my shit badly, and the compilation went on for 40 minutes spamming me with warnings so I was like fuck it (15 mins of compilation is my tolerance, and that’s for arachnid2 with full blown antialiasing and shit)

Now given winshit’s filesystem is bad at this, but yeah…

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The initial alpha release code has now been merged into the master.

As a side note, you don’t clone specific branches, the whole repo is cloned, to switch to another branch (such as granger) in the same cloned repo, enter the following:

git checkout granger

Butt, before you do, pull the update for the master branch, since it is ready:

git pull origin master

We were still setting the repo up. Binaries of the latest alpha for Windows, Linux, and Mac are now available: Release v1.3.0-alpha.0.1 · GrangerHub/tremulous · GitHub

The tremded is there too. For awhile we have been working on two different repos, one that has primarily the game logic development, the other that primarily has additional engine development (client/tremded). Although we do have some things related to the tremded not in this public repo that is on the private repo focused on game logic development, you can build a stable multiprotocol tremded from this repo.

In regards as to why we did not release the latest game logic code yet, we want it to be of sufficient quality and completeness before we release it, and when we do, that will be a major part of the initial full release of Tremulous 1.3, so as to maximize the chances of a successful Tremulous revival. This is the choice we have made, and that is all there is to be said on why we have made that choice. As mentioned above, next Thursday we will be announcing the fixed date for the initial Tremulous 1.3 full release.

The features/enhancements/fixes in this alpha release does address some of the fundamental problems Tremulous as a whole as faced. I’m sure that a certain degree of new interest will be generated, that we will at least some developers independent from GrangerHub contribute towards this repo, that we will see at least some new multiprotocol servers pop up, and perhaps we will even see some bump in the current size of the playerbase. All of that is great, and is helpful towards this attempt at a successful Tremulous revival. But more work needs to be done (by both GrangerHub and the Tremulous community in general) before we actually get to that flash point for such a revival.

I did say that the work for 1.3 isn’t completed yet (documentation is a part of that work, Tremulous never really had good documentation to begin with). But others are welcome to help out with the documentation and submit pull requests to this now public repo.

Sorry, I meant downloaded from http because git on NIGW64 gives me anal sores

Hmm, my super schizoid detective skillz are telling me there is an underlying reason why all this shit is so rushed !

Perhaps it was that we wanted to make the THURSDAY™ deadline, and the community was overdue (by about 8 years or so) for a RELEASE™ in tension so that the community can refocus on making the initial Tremulous 1.3 full release as awesome as possible without being distracted by B.S. :slight_smile: ?

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Just a heads up for all those planning on using this on Windows, the initial startup may take a while. For me it took 5 mins or more.

After this is opens like any normal trem client. As to why it’s done this I haven’t got a clue but it sat at 13% CPU usage while a was watching it. (I forgot I clicked to open it)

Hi @JustShaun,

This is actually a known thing-

This client on first startup:

  1. Will perform a pk3 bootstrap, downloading missing default pk3’s
  2. Will Generate a RSA public/private keypair

Both run prior to the Tremulous window ever opening
Both can be slow, particularly the RSA key generation



That clears a lot up for me, thanks!

I noticed that if was downloading however that finished fairly quickly it the process just seemed to idle.


yes, @dGr8LookinSparky, ignore the reasons and release, ignore my callouts, and argue (quoted above) using the reasons themselves. clean and sensical.1

1 NOOOOOT !!!1!

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

It wont work i just copied all files and i have run tremulous-gpp.exe and it wont run. Maybe will you just make a normal client will you ?

@Pax123 you mean “tremulous.exe”?

no i mean “D:\Program Files (x86)\Tremulous\tremulous-gpp.exe” but when i run tremulous.exe still i dont see anyt changes

@Pax123 , the name of the binary for the 1.3 alpha client is “tremulous.exe”. After you have downloaded the .zip release for your platform, unzip that folder anywhere, and then run tremulous.exe in that folder. It will then download any assets you might be missing, and generate an RSA key (this may take a few minutes, but after you run the client the first time, you would startup quickly each subsequent time).

If you want to, you could move that binary to where your old Tremulous binary(ies) is/are (in your case to D:\Program Files (x86)\Tremulous) , but make sure that you copy all of the contents of the unzipped release directory to wherever you moved the the 1.3 alpha tremulous.exe to (including the base, gpp, gpp_11, scripts, and tmp folders, as well as granger.exe, tremded.exe, and all the libraries).

Backup your existing Tremulous if you intend on replacing the binaries.. Or you can simply continue to run the new client from wherever the unzipped release folder is.

it ask me to download and i allowed it but then nothing else happen, any download progress or anything, later its telling me that it cant fin default.cfg and then i click ok and nothing…

I appologize for the inconvenience @Pax123 , issues come up with alpha releases, thank you for being patient. The issue you are experiencing some others have encountered as well. The bootstrap process that is suppose to download the needed assets doesn’t always work for everyone. In the next day or so, we will be looking into having the needed assets packaged with the release .zip files. I’ll ping you when we have that fixed. Again, thank you for your patience.