Tremfusion help?

Just installed tremfusion, tried adjusting height, width, etc and vid restarting but it’s not working. As of now my main menu is a few inches too wide and tall for my screen and my mouse pointer is lost on it. I’ve manually connected to pub server using windowed mode… any help?

What is your \r_mode set to? Try “-1” and set r_width (or does TF use r_customWidth I can’t remember) and height and vid_restart again.

mode -1. I figured it out somewhat… I just had to set it below my actual resolution. Not the solution I wanted though, as I’d like it to fit my full screen.

What is your actual (desktop) resolution?

I had that issue. For the properties of my Trem, like right-clicking the shortcut, going to Compatibility, and checking “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings” fixed it. I’m on Windows 10 but this might be what I did to fix the same issue when I had it on Windows 8. Not sure if this is a setting for older versions of Windows, or if you’re on Windows at all.

Also set \r_customAspect 1 if it’s not already that way.

nah bro my both comp set it right after formatting so win 7 + i think