Tremulous 1.3 Pre-Alpha not working!

Hi its me Dwanld Twump and I have started tremulous 1.3 pre alpha and it says I need this gpp/data.pk3 and also needs gpp/maps.pk3 to finish installing. I got the gpp.pk3 files but when I launched it it gave me a big black screen and stayed like that for 5mins, I don’t know why it was doing that.

Plz help me,


:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

From Dwanld Trump, Make Tremulous Great Again!


Howdy :slight_smile: ,

At the moment, the client initially goes through a bootstrap process the first time you open it where it is suppose to download all the default assets you need (and RSA Key is also generated which typically takes a few minutes). For some people it seems that the downloading during the bootstrap process doesn’t complete. This is an issue that is planned to be fixed.

But, you can get the default assets you need from here: . Inside the gpp folder that is located in the unzipped release folder place data-gpp1.pk3. Then inside there unzipped release folder there should be a base folder (if there isn’t create a folder named base there), place all the other files from inside that base folder.


Thanks sparky it works now, looks nice but when I join test7341, the game crashes and it also can’t connect to other servers other than test but crashes when join it. Any idea how to fix that?

Any errors? You’ll probably get a VM_Create error on the first attempt to connect. Make sure you have \cl_allowDownload 1 and try connecting again.

1 Like

Yeah, that is a bug with the alpha release client when joining a modded server, if it happens, just do /reconnect and then you should connect fine.

Also, for improved graphics, make sure you have these settings (you may or may not have to set them for each different β€œmods” you join):

/cl_renderer "opengl2"
/r_cubeMapping 1
/r_normalMapping 1
/r_sunlightMode 2
/r_sunShadows 1

Here are all the rendering settings I use at the moment if it helps:

    r_smp = "0" 
    r_primitives = "0" 
    r_ignoreFastPath = "1" 
    r_availableModes = "640x360 720x405 864x486 960x ... x384 640x480 800x600 1024x768" 
    r_sdlDriver = "x11" 
    r_allowSoftwareGL = "0" 
    r_maxpolyverts = "3000" 
    r_maxpolys = "600" 
    r_noportals = "0" 
    r_lockpvs = "0" 
    r_drawBuffer = "GL_BACK" 
    r_offsetunits = "-2" 
    r_offsetfactor = "-1" 
    r_clear = "0" 
    r_shownormals = "0" 
    r_showsky = "0" 
    r_showtris = "0" 
    r_nobind = "0" 
    r_debugSurface = "0" 
    r_logFile = "0" 
    r_verbose = "0" 
    r_speeds = "0" 
    r_showcluster = "0" 
    r_novis = "0" 
    r_nocull = "0" 
    r_ignore = "1" 
    r_drawentities = "1" 
    r_norefresh = "0" 
    r_lodscale = "5" 
    r_measureOverdraw = "0" 
    r_skipBackEnd = "0" 
    r_flareCoeff = "150" 
    r_flareFade = "7" 
    r_flareSize = "40" 
    r_portalOnly = "0" 
    r_lightmap = "0" 
    r_drawworld = "1" 
    r_nocurves = "0" 
    r_saveFontData = "0" 
    r_printShaders = "0" 
    r_debugSort = "0" 
    r_debuglight = "0" 
    r_showImages = "0" 
    r_directedScale = "1" 
    r_ambientScale = "0.6" 
    r_znear = "4" 
    r_singleShader = "0" 
    r_intensity = "1" 
    r_mapOverBrightBits = "2" 
    r_fullbright = "0" 
    r_forceSunAmbientScale = "0.5" 
    r_forceSunLightScale = "1.0" 
    r_forceSunMapLightScale = "1.0" 
    r_forceSun = "0" 
    r_cameraExposure = "0" 
    r_forceAutoExposureMax = "2.0" 
    r_forceAutoExposureMin = "-2.0" 
    r_forceAutoExposure = "0" 
    r_forceToneMapMax = "0.0" 
    r_forceToneMapAvg = "-2.0" 
    r_forceToneMapMin = "-8.0" 
    r_forceToneMap = "0" 
    r_externalGLSL = "0" 
    r_colorMipLevels = "0" 
    r_uiFullScreen = "0" 
    r_inGameVideo = "1" 
    r_allowExtensions = "1" 
    r_ext_compressed_textures = "0" 
    r_ext_multitexture = "1" 
    r_ext_compiled_vertex_array = "1" 
    r_ext_texture_env_add = "1" 
    r_ext_draw_range_elements = "1" 
    r_ext_multi_draw_arrays = "1" 
    r_ext_framebuffer_object = "1" 
    r_ext_texture_float = "1" 
    r_arb_half_float_pixel = "1" 
    r_arb_half_float_vertex = "1" 
    r_ext_framebuffer_multisample = "0" 
    r_arb_seamless_cube_map = "0" 
    r_arb_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev = "1" 
    r_arb_vertex_array_object = "1" 
    r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic = "0" 
    r_ext_max_anisotropy = "2" 
    r_picmip = "0" 
    r_roundImagesDown = "1" 
    r_detailtextures = "1" 
    r_texturebits = "0" 
    r_colorbits = "0" 
    r_alphabits = "1" 
    r_stencilbits = "8" 
    r_depthbits = "0" 
    r_ext_multisample = "0" 
    r_overBrightBits = "1" 
    r_ignorehwgamma = "0" 
    r_mode = "-2" 
    r_fullscreen = "0" 
    r_noborder = "0" 
    r_width = "1366" 
    r_height = "768" 
    r_pixelAspect = "1" 
    r_simpleMipMaps = "1" 
    r_vertexLight = "0" 
    r_subdivisions = "4" 
    r_stereoEnabled = "0" 
    r_greyscale = "0" 
    r_hdr = "1" 
    r_floatLightmap = "0" 
    r_postProcess = "1" 
    r_toneMap = "1" 
    r_autoExposure = "1" 
    r_materialGamma = "1.0" 
    r_lightGamma = "1.0" 
    r_framebufferGamma = "1.0" 
    r_tonemapGamma = "1.0" 
    r_depthPrepass = "1" 
    r_ssao = "0" 
    r_normalMapping = "1" 
    r_specularMapping = "1" 
    r_deluxeMapping = "1" 
    r_parallaxMapping = "0" 
    r_cubeMapping = "1" 
    r_deluxeSpecular = "0.3" 
    r_specularIsMetallic = "1" 
    r_baseNormalX = "1.0" 
    r_baseNormalY = "1.0" 
    r_baseParallax = "0.05" 
    r_baseSpecular = "0.04" 
    r_baseGloss = "0.3" 
    r_dlightMode = "2" 
    r_pshadowDist = "128" 
    r_mergeLightmaps = "1" 
    r_imageUpsample = "0" 
    r_imageUpsampleMaxSize = "1024" 
    r_imageUpsampleType = "1" 
    r_genNormalMaps = "0" 
    r_drawSunRays = "1" 
    r_sunlightMode = "2" 
    r_sunShadows = "1" 
    r_shadowFilter = "1" 
    r_shadowMapSize = "1024" 
    r_shadowCascadeZNear = "8" 
    r_shadowCascadeZFar = "1024" 
    r_shadowCascadeZBias = "0" 
    r_ignoreDstAlpha = "1" 
    r_lodCurveError = "250" 
    r_lodbias = "0" 
    r_flares = "0" 
    r_zproj = "64" 
    r_stereoSeparation = "64" 
    r_ignoreGLErrors = "1" 
    r_fastsky = "0" 
    r_drawSun = "0" 
    r_dynamiclight = "1" 
    r_dlightBacks = "1" 
    r_finish = "0" 
    r_textureMode = "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" 
    r_swapInterval = "0" 
    r_gamma = "1" 
    r_facePlaneCull = "1" 
    r_railWidth = "16" 
    r_railCoreWidth = "6" 
    r_railSegmentLength = "32" 
    r_anaglyphMode = "0" 
    r_mergeMultidraws = "1" 
    r_mergeLeafSurfaces = "1" 
    r_marksOnTriangleMeshes = "0" 
    r_aviMotionJpegQuality = "90" 
    r_screenshotJpegQuality = "90" 
    r_allowResize = "0" 
    r_centerWindow = "0"
1 Like , were you able to successfully join any servers?