Which platform and architecture do you play Tremulous on?

Billy as i said, todo is same for any os…Source code and OS is different things

While we are compiling exe, they gonna works in almsot all Windows (Probably XP+)

So min specs:

WinXP, Some GPU with 3d
512 mb ram (1 gb for Vista, but dont worry…anyway if no enought ram, swap will save you)
Some Pentium from 2000-2003 (ofc minimum, recommended some lga775 cpu like pentium)

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Using 64 bit on arch linux … no need to make package … just release code and I can compile it.

Edit: easiest way for arch linux package … make request here: AUR Issues, Discussion & PKGBUILD Requests / Arch Linux Forums … with a little luck, some guy will make package for the Arch User Repository (AUR) … a community-driven repository for Arch users.

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