Why are you still playing with a 1.1.0 client?

1 What client are you using?
2 If you use a 1.1.0 client, then please explai why you not switching to a new client?

Besides the ability to connect to a bunch of dead servers; why do you want 1.1.0 clients?

  1. My latest build shows 2x frame rate (with gl2 render) over tremfusion
  2. Looks pretier
  3. Just better

So why?


I use 1.1.0 clients for a few reasons. Used tjw for many many many years with no issues, Started having issues when Grangerhub created their servers (Tjw has issues with the multi protocol) , then switched to tremfusion and have had minimal issues.

Always had issues with gpp crashing upon opening so i dont even see it worth my time to switch to a gpp client when i’ve had issues and have experienced minimal issues with 1.1.0 clients and they are still fully functional. So i’ve stuck with TJW for nearly 9 years and tremfusion 1.1.0 for about a year.

Plain and simple I’m satisfied with my 1.1.0 client.

Trimfusin is lov, trimfusin is lief.

Won’t even touch anything GPP with a stick and wearing gloves.

Also I don’t mind trimulos’ crappy renderer and actually enjoy the retroish looks.


Nostalgia.[quote=“blowFish, post:1, topic:1903”]
My latest build shows 2x frame rate (with gl2 render) over tremfusion

I don’t use TF.[quote=“blowFish, post:1, topic:1903”]
Looks pretier
Ok[quote=“blowFish, post:1, topic:1903”]
Just better
Solid argument


I’m using GPP right now, but I’m just downloading blowfish’s client to test it out.

I use 1.1.0 because I tried 1.2 and didn’t like it. And I also don’t care.

Tremfusion is a million times better

Because I’ve never heard of “your latest build” before.


Because I want to play Tremulous and the easiest way to do that was Google > Tremulous.net Files > Download > Install Tremulous 1.1. I didn’t choose GPP because fuck GPP.

Dead servers because of low player population.

I don’t.

I don’t have your latest build.

I don’t have your latest build.

I don’t have your latest build. Btw, excellent argument you’ve put forward thats backed by multiple facts.

I don’t fucking have your latest build.

What is the point of this thread?


Thanks, for the great feedback, eloquently put lads.

1 Like

Read the instructions and try it.


No problemo. Its alot easier to make feedback than program actual content.


1 What client are you using?

Various, mostly gpp because i’m used to it and its my default client (loads fast, no bull).
For testing new features: glowfish-test-client.

Besides the ability to connect to a bunch of dead servers; why do you want 1.1.0 clients?

I don’t care about multiprotocol. Srsly i think its a downgrade. The slacker qvm doesn’t work smoothly with gpp and gfx settings are problematic.

  • My latest build shows 2x frame rate (with gl2 render) over tremfusion
  • Looks pretier
  • Just better
    So why?

Maybe this whole thread it pointless because of

1# Only a minority wants to upgrade / is able to do that
2# Many others don’t want because their crappy pcs doesn’t allow that and / or simply suffer from a ‘play only old trem’ compulsion neurosis. I mean, if ppl ninja-vote change maps or end maps fast (decon or rush) because ‘it looks like crap’ but in the end it wasn’t the map but their old client who doesn’t work with newer features you know what type of ppl you deal with.

I wish ghub would be more focused on new players and not licking asses of so many old players who doesn’t deserve a better trem because of their duchebagy-behavior.

I’m sure you will never please these type of ppl. Just leave them behind and move forward.


How is the corresponding technical quality of your traditional gpp client with the test7341 server (also a multiprotocol server) compared to purely gpp servers?

& this is y i use 1.1 too

The test Server works great with gpp. Its just the pup Server that causes problems.

Mostly used GPP for me, because it have wide screen ratio function and I like it to view very good graphics, and even more wider, more better. :wink:

1.3 is also like it, but it just test version, so I’m not sure if Sparky are done for it.



Because I’m more used to it and I love it more than 1.2 ^^

^^^ me 2