##Having trouble running Tremulous?
###[color=lime]This category is for support for the game only! For any other issue, see:[/color] grangerhub.org/help
If you are getting an error message, take a screenshot if possible and also use the /condump
command, by opening the console (probably with the [color=cyan]~ `[/color] (‘tilde’ aka ‘the squigly or wavy line’ and ‘grave’ aka ‘back-tick’ key, usually below Esc key on QWERTY keyboards), and enter:
/condump someErrors.txt
Your .txt file and screenshots should be in a subfolder of Tremulous’ ‘home path’ location, or user application data folder. Inside there, there will be subfolders named for the different game types and mods that you have installed. Make sure you can see hidden files and folders to locate and view the files. On MS Windows, the folder will be in:
C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Tremulous\
which can be access by entering:
into the address bar of the file manager ‘explorer’.
On *nix systems this location is in your home folder, eg:
/home/[your username]/.tremulous/
If you need help, post your errors and upload screenshots here and, and paste the .txt files from condump to a pastebin service (like Slexy.org, PasteAll.org, etc.) and then link your paste id back here. Thanks!