Admin Announcement - B-e-t-a


My name was once known as |KoR|B-e-t-a and I played a part in developing KoRx textures. In fact, I am one of the founding members dating back to when WireDDD started the KoR clan. My final rank in KoR before my withdrawal from trem was Global Moderator. A notion was offered to me for becoming top admin, but I had to refuse due to time restraints in managing the clan, developing textures, and keep my job.

I don’t wish to be an admin here, but I want to offer some help again. I can code HTML, CSS, Javascript, and handle pretty much anything website related. I am probably the best web coder you will ever meet and at work my time is worth a lot of money to my company. By the way, here is one of my websites I code for:

As for developing for Trem, I can do texturing and have a lot of experience with Photoshop. Just let me know if you need me and want to provide me with access or not. It would be helpful if we had a dev subforum and you can just make me a list of the changes you want done to the website. I will knock things out pretty quick when I get going.

Please reply…


I’m also in the KoR clan (despite the clan’s inactiveness) though rather the KoR is more of a semi-idling community on the forums these days. Even the IRC is still up with 12 users in it though not everyone talks, as with almost every other IRC channel.

Enjoy your stay at our Granger Heaven!

Hello Mr. B_e_t_a how are you today? anyway Good luck and see you in-game

your sincerely

Hi, welcome B-e-t-a i played with you on the KoR servers :slight_smile:

Hi, welcome.

Your website has anime news. +1.

Welcome. Thanks for the support.

Hi B-e-t-a.
I’m pretty much the new guy around here (due to college I’m not even around here much) so I haven’t heard of you before. So I hope I can meet you on the servers soon!

– rlb

Why do I get the feeling that you will still be calling yourself the new guy in 10 years?

Welcome to the GrangerHub forums B-e-t-a :smiley: ! Be sure to check your private message inbox.