Alien masks

I’ve already made a Dissection Kit proposal in my activatable slot thread. So far I’ve only suggested for parts to be either usable directly or sellable. I think there should be another route to take. Add a Research Computer structure, which, if regularly given alien parts, performs research on the local strain of aliens.

When the research is complete, the humans gain a new item: Alien Mask! The appearance of every mask is random (may be a basilisk, a marauder, a dragoon or a tyrant head), but it is also inconsequential. What matters is that such masks trick the Overmind into thinking that the human is actually one of the most valuable aliens in its possession. Alien defenses do not attack masked humans, and aliens receive back 3x damage they deal to such a human in percentage (eg. taking 25% of the human’s health also takes 75% of your own health) and the following centerprint message [color=#ffff00]DO NOT ATTACK A MOST AMAZING TEAMMATE![/color] The only way to not get damaged back is to deconstruct the Overmind.

This raises a few questions here: what are alien “parts” and how does one collect them? How does one “give” them to the research computer? What else does a research computer do when it’s not being fed parts (so it’s not just a blocking object)? How does the player know which parts or how many are needed for a mask? Why centerprint anythîng (ever) since it removes immersion from the action?

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Perhaps instead have an alien voice say:

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