All Hail the Almighty God of Spam!

Hello everyone! I be Tony X also known as the God of Spam! XD

Hi Tony, welcome to GrangerHub’s website buddy :smiley: !

It’s a great pleasure to have the god of spam amongst us! Welcome.

HEY PARTNER. things have changed. be careful around these parts. it isn’t the nos forums any more.
jk who cares lets spam together!!


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea! Let’s SPAM! Together we shall take out the daily post limit! (Why is there a daily post limit anyway?) Also, I want a holy spam temple to be built! (also known as a spam section) Whoever build it shall be named high priest of spam! XD

Whoa, slow down my friend. You can make large amounts of posts, just make sure that they add to the discussions, are relevant to the topics, and follow the FAQ: GrangerHub Forum - Tremulous Forums

As you properly use the forums more, your trust level automatically increases, and you can do more on the forums.

Yes I know I’ve read it, but yesterday I wanted to reply to people that replied to me and I couldn’t until today :frowning:

that SUCKS i propose to remove daily post limit.
all in favor say aye

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aye partner!

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is this communism or is this TREMULOUS

down with tyranny


Still no spam section, I am disappointed mortals… XD

try to find me! hehehehehehe! XD

i already have :DDDDDDDDDD

Oh really? what’s my real name? XD


And you failed! You could have at least get my first name which you’re supposed to know partner!

Tony, isn’t your first name Eric? Or is Eric your & ElBurro’s friend? I keep forgetting.

If I was called Eric, why would my pseudo be Tony? When you think about it, my name isn’t that hard to figure out XD
And you don’t know who ElBurro is, do you? Cloudflare
And I don’t know who’s Eric…

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Lol, epic big announcement.