Are you going to continue mainline Tremulous development?

Will Tremulous forever stay at 1.2? Will you wait for Unvanquished release and port your mods there when it’s released?

Perhaps a third option? :wink:

Admit defeat and play PROpietary games? Is this that third option?

We’ll need to release something first to know…

No, and no. Unvanquished is its own project, Tremulous development is unconnected to Unvanquished.

Unvanquished is a spiritual successor to Tremulous and seems to be doing it’s own thing. Its a completely different game altogether and one that will hopefully find mainstream success. :smile:

Apparently Timbo gave his blessing to have Tremulous be continued by the development team here at GrangerHub. Though no doubt people will debate and argue and counter argue over the IP and origin of Tremulous all day, the point seems to be that Tremulous is parking it’s giant iron lung machine to GrangerHub and is awaiting modification.

We can maker her harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. Or atleast a FoV slider.


FoV sliders are great to have. FOV limits for aliens should be higher compared to humans in which case as you approach 360 degrees, there are alternative projections which make it less likely for you to feel like you want to throw up. Someone (i dont remember who) shared this on IRC maybe last week or earlier:

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I actually suggested it for Unvanquished:

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