Ask me anything

Hi - I’m ROMDOS aka cron. I’m one of the co-founders of GrangerHub and owner/operator of the servers, and help oversee the development of Tremulous 1.3.

Later today at 6PM eastern, I’ll be doing an “ask me anything” to discuss what it is that we’re doing here with the game, and give everyone an opportunity to grill me about past events, or plans for the future.

This is your chance to get clarity about any potential misconceptions about myself or the project, and a chance for me to clear the air and kill off any disinformation.

So, get your ass on Discord and come prepared with challenging questions:

See ya then!


If you can’t attend, submit questions here and I’ll address them during the AMA.

Uh-oh, looking for trouble. Let the drama begin… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ll respond to any questions as honestly as I can with no added drama @cengique


Hey Romdos i have a question, if you are the co-founder of GrangerHub, Who’s the founder?


Hi @Nicolas21550 :slight_smile: , I’m also a co-founder of GrangerHub. There isn’t a single more essential “founder” of GrangerHub so to speak, @romdos and I are on equal grounds for leading this project. @GlobalWarming was also a co-founder of GrangerHub around the beginning, but shortly after his life got really busy and he hasn’t had time for Tremulous since. Which is understandable, life happens sometimes :slight_smile: .


Some follow Q & A pt1:

[quote=“Wilderthanyou”] How were you introduced into Tremulous?

####I found Tremulous from its Wikipedia entry, after talking to a friend about video games, and looking for a game that ran on an open source engine. This lead me to get on the forums and IRC, and then to the original Unvanquished third-team mod, where I became friends with Player1. Later, he left me in charge when he retired due to IRL stuff.

[quote=“Wilderthanyou”]Do you have any contact with him?

####No. I’ve attempted contact a couple of times over the years, but have never gotten a response.

[quote=“Wilderthanyou”]You ever wonder about the guys who made trem? I wonder if they wonder if people play it.

####Some of those people are still ‘around’, Timbo is one of the maintainers of the ioquake3 project.

####Sparky, GlobalWarming and myself started what would become GrangerHub - as a new project with new goals, after meeting on the old site. However I never really had anything to do with, and the owner, Pikachu announced he’d be shutting the site down very shortly after we had began planning. This lead us from planning a new ‘tremulous based community’ to planning to begin new development on Tremulous itself.

That’s it for part 1. I’ll try to do another one of these in the near future. Submit any questions here and I’ll address them next time. Thanks for reading!