So, I’ve got a task for any and all developers who have unix (or a unix virtualmachine, whatever) and think they know enough about GNU Make & C to be able to compile something of use.
Break the seal below (Reveal the spoiler) for your mission briefing.
Your task is to make a basic, functional tremulous.arm (I’ve made two functional tremded.arm before, from the default source and from the tremfusion source.) How, you ask? You compile it using the compiler “arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc” or “arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc” and you have to set the destination architecture to “arm” When you are finished send the tremulous.arm to me and I will test it using my raspi.
You may use any trem source, but Tremfusion and/or BlowFish client are recommended.
But wait, how do I get this compiler?
Well you have to install either “gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi” or “gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf”, I dunno the difference between the two… but since if you’re here you’re probably a developer and chances are you know.
Why is this in the GrangerHub dev thread! I don’t understand how GrangerHub will benefit from this.
Well first of all, you’re essentially opening a new door by porting tremulous, which means: MORE PLAYERS! You do realize that basically all handheld devices are made of ARM architecture, right? I think we could attract a larger audience by adding the option for handheld. Finally, tremulous in your pocket!
What’s my reward?
Well, you get credit for making a new program and the possibility of “the first person to port a quake 3 mod-standalone game record.” Prize enough?