Check if GUI module is loaded

Check if GUI module is loaded

diff --git a/src/engine/client/clientScreen.cpp b/src/engine/client/clientScreen.cpp
index 5dbec42..14aaefe 100644
--- a/src/engine/client/clientScreen.cpp
+++ b/src/engine/client/clientScreen.cpp
@@ -512,6 +512,12 @@ void idClientScreenSystemLocal::DrawScreenField( stereoFrame_t stereoFrame )
+    if( !uivm )
+    {
+        Com_DPrintf( "idClientScreenSystemLocal::DrawScreenField - draw screen without GUI loaded\n" );
+        return;
+    }
     // if the menu is going to cover the entire screen, we
     // don't need to render anything under it
     if( uivm && !uiFullscreen )

sha: 6419205f