Liar, you f2’ed him
i’ll vouch for level 1
Hey @LUCA86ITA sicuramente non sarà possibile darti il livello che hai chiesto (sono livelli troppo alti per qualcuno che è entrato da poco in questa community), ma vediamo se riusciamo a darti un livello consono alle tue richieste.
Ti consiglio vivamente di consultare questo link, dove sono presenti tutte le regole del server: GrangerHub Forum - Tremulous Forums
e magari di integrare qualcosina di più nella tua applicazione seguendo questo format:
In ogni caso, buona fortuna!
Insults and “being pissed off” are not against the rules unless the speech breaks rule 4 (“No persistently tormenting/pestering/persecuting nor targeting any individual(s) with attacks that could cause harm, induce excessive emotional stress, and/or traumatize.”).
Why do you think you deserve and are trustworthy enough for level 7 or 8? You aren’t even on as much as other recent applicants who also had better applications and yet who received lower levels. As MaeJong wrote in the admin application format thread:
I know Sparky told you to read about the application process before applying, but clearly you skipped a few parts:
Without a single voucher, it is highly unlikely you will even get L3, let alone L7 or L8.
** Disclaimer: I am not an admin. **
Wrong, vouching only ensures you get backing from an admin with a rather high position, and it especially applies to giving out higher levels from the start, as seen with Evoker and Hero if I am not mistaken. Not having a voucher doesn’t mean your application is going to fail, but lying about vouchers or trying to be a ph4ggot about it isn’t tolerated (and usually tells a lot about the applicants).
The first problem that comes up with your (@LUCA86ITA’s) application is that it clearly shows you didn’t read the rules. The second one is that it looks like you’re counting solely on your past levels over everything else, which is only a fraction of what we are looking at when voting on an application.
If you want a perfect example where vouching wasn’t especially necessary, refer to Evoker’s application again as it has more than everything the readers would ever expect or want from an application. Rhez’s was also excellent, and way shorter. (Although I assume they were (or should be) hidden? (for good reasons), Menace surely still remembers them well.)
Just saying he sometimes he doesnt understand simple english. How you are expecting from him to read the admin guidlines? Other hand he came back some days ago maybe a week ago. He was inactive for months, I think it shouldnt be wroking like this. You appear and ask for admin because you were high level admin on old servers. Things arent working like that.
Anyway I was high level admin on Gamezoo (not like this really matter) and he demoted me because he couldnt understand what Im saying and he deceided to do so. Even tho I didnt do anything bad and made a reasonable kick because a player was deconing and eventually turned out it was his friend
ok… where I can see my vote?
• What level are you applying for: level 5 it’s ok !!
ps for Rinspeed : you are a fake
Was really luca inactive for months? Are you absolutely sure? He went to to USA for a month some weeks ago, but I don´t remember any other inactivity from him in the last years…
And about abuse, I would say when luca uses !kick or !ban is definetely vs any troller or person that really deserves that after several warns.
LOL I hope you are joking
You just said he was inactive so means I was right. Wtf?
What? In my case I was an admin not a troll. Other hand we are talking about grangerpub admin where you cant ban or kick anyone just because of trolling or trash talking. Thats why others said read the rules first. His admin app was about
Well this is not that server where you can deceide that and just do it. It has phases. Look at desala he is always back trash talking. The usual procedure agaisnt him if he is not deconing, you have to use /ignore thats all.
The right thing would be if he said as reasons to get admin because of deconers, base nades, teamkilling, bleeding and well tormenting.
You cant see. Admins will deceide.
Uhm wut? Can you explain it? I dont get that part.
(PS.: Btw you are always online together so why does he need admin? you are admin
You said he was inactive, as if he were usually inactive and was relevant to become admin, right? I answered “no” and added → I only remember the inactivity I wrote about, proving he is usually an active player.
And, dunno if i explained badly or understood in a bad way (my English happens), but I didn’t call you troller or similar. Just wanted to show people luca only uses that kind of commands when its clearly justify.
My application was nothing special, any person can do it. Hero’s application is on par of mine as well.
The difference is that most applicants don’t take the time to go over even the basics. One reason Rhez’s application is impressive is that he makes it look sharp, clean, and caring of detail even without a long pedigree of admin experience. It shows at the very least, a willingness to work for it.
You can’t. That’s for current admins only(for the sake of anonymity)
What time frame do you play tremulous? (in your Time-zone, I’ll figure out what that translates to mine)
ok what level addiding in my poll?
in the morning or afternoon or evening and depends when I go to play. I see there are no admins by accident
All admins are encouraged to vote and voice their opinions about your application(thought I think Level 9’s/10’s have the final vote)
Weird, that’s exactly how I got admin here.[quote=“Rekove, post:19, topic:2594”]
Hero’s application is on par of mine as well.
Lit[quote=“Menace13, post:12, topic:2594”]
Without a single voucher, it is highly unlikely you will even get L3, let alone L7 or L8.
Wouh chill out br0[quote=“Blizz, post:11, topic:2594”]
In ogni caso, buona fortuna!
Absolutely.[quote=“DarkMicrobe, post:10, topic:2594, full:true”]
i’ll vouch for level 1
K.[quote=“faceman, post:6, topic:2594, full:true”]
HI LUCA i am vouching for you
Face app for admin already. We need you and your positivity. @ghub positivity is a word, don’t try to convince me it’s a typo.[quote=“LUCA86ITA, post:1, topic:2594”]
Gamezoo (max level)into the wild ( max level)Tremspain (max level)old Gamezoo (level 4 or 5 )Triplex server (level 3 or 4)Prolinux ( level 3 or 4)other not remembe server name I have good level
I like that you have experience. One thing I want you to note is that we run things a little differently here. Take a look at the server rules and tell me what you think about Rule #8.[quote=“LUCA86ITA, post:1, topic:2594”]
What level are you applying for: level 5 it’s ok !!
Would you have any issue starting as an L3 and working your way up? I’d like to see you in action before endowing you with more responsibility.
Buona Fortuna @LUCA86ITA !!!
Good Luck @LUCA86ITA !!!
I know him from a lot of years and I was High Level Admin with him in Italian servers. I can say he is a “no-abuse” admin.
Anyway @Rinspeed, it’s true he doesnt understand/talk good English but he can always learn/interpretate it
P.S. My little princess Irene was born 8th of September
Have Fun !!!
Aw congratulations buddy !
Will you marry me now ?