Hello applicants. If you are considering applying for admin you have come to the right place.
This topic will serve as an advanced guide to applying for admin on the grangerhub game server. Providing you with the best chance of success in your application passing and attaining moderator privileges.
Please read here before starting, as you can find most of the core information attaining to applications and core template there.
Without further ado, lets begin.
List of recommendations before applying.
Attain at least two level 6+ vouchers - Generally the higher level the better, contact valid levelled admins privately either by the forums or in-game private message politely asking if they would be willing to vouch for your qualities in administration.
Stay active during your application process - Some admins really like to get to know the applicant before voting, meaning you may be subject to an “interview” or background checks. Please check your application post regularly for any questions you may be asked. My suggestion here is to be as honest as possible.
Integrate with the community. - Applying for admin and not logging on the server for days, or applying before the community really gets to knows you will not improve your chances of approval. Talking regularly in-game and on the forums will however.
During your application.
During your application you should ensure to provide as much accurate information as possible. Withholding infomation may appear like you have something to hide.
Lets look at this application posted by my good friend Joe Bloggs.
• Who are you known as in-game, and what is your registered name on the server:
• What is your timezone/What time do you play tremulous and how often:
GMT 0. I play a lot
• Why do you want admin on GrangerPub:
It looks fun, I want to help people.
• What is your past admining experience:
Admin on Super duper server for 5 yrs.
• What do you think are the most important qualities as an admin:
Being fair
• What level are you applying for:
• Is any level 6+ admin willing to vouch for you (Can be left blank):
no sry
Oh dear, this does not look good for my friend Joe Bloggs. Lets go over some of his mistakes.
When Joe provided his name he failed to provide additional names he had used in the past, additionally he gave just a shorthand version of his name.
When Joe was asked how much he played he was very unspecific. You want your application to be as concise as possible to ensure your best chance of success.
“Why do you want admin on GrangerPub: It looks fun, I want to help people.” Again he was very unspecific and generic. You want to look different from everyone else, try and be more detailed and let your personality show.
“What is your past admining experience: Admin on Super duper server for 5 yrs.” Great, Joe has some admin experience. However, he failed to specify his admin level and duties on Super Duper server, and whether or not anyone can vouch that he is telling the truth.
“What do you think are the most important qualities as an admin: Being fair” Joe clearly has put very little time and effort into his application, this suggests the same will go into his moderation efforts. Try to write as much as possible.
"Is any level 6+ admin willing to vouch for you (Can be left blank): no sry
" Poor Joe, he failed to attain a voucher. There are a number of level 6+ admins available, there is no excuse to not find a voucher, sorry Joe.
I hope this topic has been insightful and helpful to you. If you would like any further advice, please feel free to message me on the forums or in-game.
I wish you the best of luck applicants.