We are officially going to be reviving the Elite Blaster Strike Force so feel free to come join us in our forums or in game. The website is now open to the public, but is still under construction. Our clan applications are currently open so if u have interest please click on the link below so you can apply. We are looking for an additional 7 members. We will be getting a server as well but not till the release of 1.3.
UPDATE: We have created a mumble for any player and our members as well as for scrimmages and simply just for fun. We currently have 15 available slots for anyone to join, if clans want to use our mumble for scrimmages we dont mind creating their own channel feel free to ask. we will continue to add slots accordingly to the need. Check out our site for more updates.
Well, that is not entirely true. He joined his own clan, and named himself ssingh6.ssingh6 the other day, applications are not open and multiclanning isn’t allowed.