Exit survey for Tremulous servers

When you disconnect or quit from a server, there should be a survey asking “u mad?” so that server owners can accurately determine if players are rage quitting.

  • U mad?
  • Cool server bro!

0 voters


dumbest thread award goes to…

sparky did your account get hacked

What is this

This should actually be a thing.

In fact, this poll should be displayed everytime someone is banned.

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I want a proper /rq command which outputs rainbow colored text display in game messages: “cron RAGE QUIT!” so that it’s apparent to all when I’m rage quitting.

Is there a way to crash someone’s client from the server’s QVM? Because that could theoretically be done and work lol

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The idea of /rq (rage quit) is that it’s a somewhat silly command but useful in the sense that it clearly communicates the reason you quit. It alleviates some tension around the raeg by being displayed in a very goofy way (rainbow fx for the font in the game message announcing the rq), but is highly visible so it will be unlikely to go unnoticed by anyone, and will be easy to find in logs.

The /rq command could be like a self kick + client /quit. Limits to how often a person can /rq would be set, also any special actions like maybe muting them for N minutes if they come back after a /rq.

Additional options could be added with arguments to the command, like “rage quit message” and maybe even self-imposed rage-ban set in minutes (max 24 hours), e.g.:

/rq camping shits 9001

It would be preferrable if people would /rq rather than decon or tk or otherwise grief.

I think this feature could also be useful in a bunch of other games besides tremulous.


this all sounds like its basically a version of /disconnect with a rainbow colored-message to let everyone know how gay you are

as long as it takes little effort to actually implement it, its a cool idea.

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Almost forgot, this might also donate all your credits / evos automatically.

A good financial incentive to try to make others rage :wink:

I like this

^ would be a replacement?

It would be an additional way to quit a server but not replace any other functionality.

This is how you piss off players more and not get any returners. F2

What exactly do you think would piss people off @Craze, and why ?

Okay let me revise my post. That last one was in a hurry.

2 things:

One, it might be slightly annoying having to complete the survey every time you exit the game. Sure the first few times will be fine, but surveys in free games are generally looked down upon in general. Personally, I wouldn’t be very fond of it after a period of time. If it’s just 1 question, I guess it’s not bad. Again, I read this is quite a hurry, but I kind of get the picture now. Second point is a little more of what I was going for. When I read the topic, I immediately thought of free games on phones, and how the more surveys/stuff you have to do before/after the game kinda deters people from the game itself. I understand how that could be different for a computer game.

Two, we are going to get A LOT of troll answers and responses because this simple question has been the center of trolling behavior since almost the birth of trem. It is unlikely that this is going to offer us any sort of insight into whether people are actually mad when they are leaving the game. There is a HUGE survey bias when you ask the question “You mad?”. It’s way too troll-related to get an actual response other than from people that aren’t familiar with the phrase.