Goron class for alien

The Goron smash for mouse 1 and make humans dizzy! then mouse 2 is rechargeable rolling that makes them move quickly and smash things in its path!!

I think it would look something like this

mmm, only problem with the mouse 1 ability is that the adv baslisk already has a similar mechanic, but the mouse 2 ability is…new. How much hp and evo we talking here?

Moved this and the scorpion alien thread to the appropriate section. (Evil Genius Think Tank)

thats how i got idea through legend of zelda :smile:

maybe 360 hp and 5 evos :smile:

if mouse 1 makes people dizzy how does it kill people

With the rechargeable roll of course (mouse 2)

also deals damage

how much dmg we talking

light to moderate damage for smash (like 40-60 damage)

how is this alien supposed to kill people though

by dealing human damage lol??

Yeah but you’d just use your mouse 2 then proceed to get the shit shot out of you by a 50hp human while you sit there with your mouse 2 ability recharging

How long is the cooldown on the mouse 2?

i said mouse 1 smash does damage around 40-60

Whats the recharge on the mouse 1? Can you just spam it?

I’d assume so considering it’s the primary attack

Well that sounds balanced

Worry about the balancing later, this is just a concept.

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Concepts are supposed to be somewhat balanced.

If the mouse 1 made humans dizzy then there would be 0 counterplay for the human, because they would just be perma dizzy. So you’d have to get rid of the dizzy part which would just make it the same as a rant but with lower hp