Grangerclub Timelimit and SD - Comp. Play

Currently the grangerclub’s SD is 30 and the TL is 60.

This incites camping and dismal spectation. As a long time competitive player and someone who scrims next to daily, I suggest the SD be made 25m and the TL dropped down to 40m. This will encourage aggressive pushes and on the spot thinking from both teams. Act quick or die. It also discourages time evos as SD comes a bit quicker and because of that you have to act a bit faster. I don’t know how to set up a poll but if someone could set up a poll for this, that’d be sick. Thanks.



SD at 25 I’m OK with; disagree with the timelimit to 40, though. Maybe reduce the timelimit to 50mins instead?

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SD 25
TL 45

Definitely a reduction on the current TL, we need a poll to debate how much.

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I love 40, I can deal with 45. 50, while familiar, will be horribly lengthy. 9/10 Scrims we have someone in participation has to leave within an hour or so forcing a sub. 40m time limit will ensure that scrims run faster.

Change SD time?

  • Yes, 25 mins
  • No

0 voters

Change timelimit?

  • Yes, 40 mins
  • Yes, 45 mins
  • No

0 voters

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The timelimit has been set to 45 and SD now begins at 25 minutes on GrangerClub.