I’m trying to connect to the server but it doesnt show any of grangerhub servers in the masterlist. Also i tried doing /connect us1.grangerhub.org:30720. RIP GrangerHub
Yes, @romdos is on it, seems like a network problem has ocurred. Thanks for reporting though.
Yes, It crashed while we were playing. Btw it’s not dead.
everyone left grangerhub, tremulous is really dead right now… RIP
tremulous is really dead right now
Finally. Now lets collect the insurance money and celebrate.
Btw GrangerPub =/= GrangerHub
Haha, 1.3 soon™ right guys?
Of course. Just wait until next Thursday.
And then, the next Thursday from then. And the one after that.
Of course. Just wait until next Thursday.

Of course. Just wait until next Thursday.
Reported for giving false hopez. The FoV slider was a bad idea anyway. Everything’s your fault.

Reported for giving false hopez. The FoV slider was a bad idea anyway. Everything’s your fault.
We do have a FoV text field.

We do have a FoV text field.
The one that required devmap to be turned on?

The one that required devmap to be turned on?
It doesn’t require dev map . Also any client can try this feature, just join test7341 (Since GrangerPub died today, may it rest in peace).
Remember everyone if GrangerPub ever does go down. Dretch*Storm is always online for a backup. It’s running the same source as pub under a 1G uplink in Miami, Florida. The server does not have the all of the same admins, nor the levels. It runs under levels 0-4 with levels 1 being registered and 2 being a moderator, that has a few moderation of server functions. Levels 3 & 4 of course being the highest admin needed to maintain the server.
Level 2 is equivalent to level 3 on pub & level 3+4 being equivalent to 4&5 on pub give or take a few commands.
In case of another downfall of pub, please let me know if you’re admin and what level, so I can manually change your status on the storm. You must be a registered player on the server in order for my change your status.
I also have noticed players complain of server not being the same as pub. With some missing maps, I don’t believe there is no difference since the dev team who operate pub also have access to storm as well. So any necessary changes also change on storm as well.
But please guys let me know so we don’t have any problems that a non admin cannot handle.

With some missing maps
Check !listmaps on GrangerPub for a list of all the maps we have there. We have been assembling this comprehensive map repo that has almost all of the Tremulous maps ever released (but I’m sure we are missing some, if anyone find released maps that aren’t on that map repo, please post links to them in the mapping category on this forum): Index of /base .
The original post in the following category has the map rotation we are currently using on GrangerPub (in case you would like to use it, or some form of it):
Here is the current map rotation for GrangerPub US East (suggestions for changes are welcomed): rotation1 { atcs if numclients > 10 rotation2 } rotation2 { nano if numClients < 11 rotation1 if numClients > 19 rotation3 vorago_b1 if numClients < 11 rotation1 if numClients > 19 rotation3 atcs if numClients < 11 rotation1 if numClients > 19 rotation3 sharp if numClients < 11 rotation1 if numClients > 19 rotation3 …
@oblivion , you might want to post a new topic with a summary of the Dretch*Storm server in the servers category.
It has a similar rotation already but not all the maps.