Ideas for GrangerHub

Grangerhub Servers which are in the middle of Asia and America, will this cause our ping to be both 190+?

a lot of players from south america playing the game? First off, i have this strong feeling that “a lot of” means “a minority” here. SA players already have 150+ ping, does the extra 50 really hurt?
I hear everyone talking about wanting the server to grow, this will mean pleasing the majority eventually. Still, i’m only estimating things and i don’t hear you talking any numbers either, which is why i would like to see a poll with where people would want the server to be, in the for them optimal location.

Only a small minority of the current playerbase is registered to these forums so far (maybe on the order of 20%), so I don’t think a forum poll at this time would necessarily give us a clear picture of the distribution of the playerbase. We are looking into a different approach that would yield more meaningful statistical information about the playerbase.

Eu player here.

One master server in either Amsterdam or NYC.

Preferably NYC for the reason’s stated by Shuffle. I don’t care about having 50ms less latency, unlagged helps counter that. Causing people to go into excess of 200ms is much worse, unlagged can only do so much.

My Opinion: US server bad for all, who Non-American (I ABOUT PING)…any who live in French, German, Russia and etc have some bad ping…EU server make comfortable play for ppls from:

  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Russia
  • Ukrainian
  • Polish
    and other what in Europe…

US Server Making good ping and comfortable only for:

  • South America (Mexica, Brazilia, sorry if missed some other)
  • North America (USA, Canada)

but also Shuff you right…

i have even example…well…as Example New EDGE, there when this server alive, thgere be 15-20 ppl alldays, all, USA, EU players, he later ranned New EDGE US for USA players…lol and there ppl rarely play, almost players using it as duel server…and noone played there like in New EDGE EU…

Mexico is in North America. Anyways, while it is interesting to have around 20 ping for the current location of GrangerPub, I would still play and have fun on EU servers. I’ve even enjoyed games on server in Japan when there are players there, and I can enjoy games on South American servers. The current location was picked include as much of the current playerbase with decent ping. However, it will be very helpful to have meaningful statistical information. Tremulous does need active servers on every continent (with maybe the exception of Antarctica, but then again there might be a lot of Linux users there with all of those penguins).

a lot of players from south america playing the game? First off, i have this strong feeling that “a lot of” means “a minority” here. [/quote]

Since seeing this post earlier today, I decided to do a little check to see how many players connected, and from which continents their IPAs originate.

This has been conducted during EU day-time, meaning there are less players from the Americas (North and South) who are likely to connect during these times. 13% of players’ IPAs that I checked were from South America, and 22.1% from North America. Remember that this is during peak EU time, and not a time when lots of players from the Americas connect.

I’m sure if someone did the exact same thing, but during EU night-time, the numbers of North/South American players would more than double.

SA players already have 150+ ping, does the extra 50 really hurt?[/quote]

Losing 50 ping makes a small difference in unlagged. Gaining an additional 50 ping can make it a lot more difficult. The difference between 100 and 200 ping is huge, even in UL.

Excuse me :smile:

I agree with Shuffle. It is too early to split up the population even further.

Also: From experience, I can almost safely say that the 100 to 200 ping range is better for unlagged, particularly from 95 to 150.

More ping: More delay/random factor is playing a bigger part, as you have to guess/estimate how far behind you should be hitting. (Correct use of the engine’s net settings can lessen this and make it feel almost normal.)

Less ping: The hit detection gets thinner, but there is less delay and randomness overall. You know exactly where you should be hitting, but are going to lack “range” most of the time.

What is really important is having a stable ping: You don’t want your ping to be jumping up/down more than ~5-10ms at most. This is what will create most of the inconsistency/missing a target you shouldn’t be missing.

Obviously, pings over 250-300 are an exception, and even then Sea could tell you that it’s not so bad as long as your connection is stable.

Of course this is a really simple way to summarize it. It’s more complicated in reality.