
Hi guys!

Tomorrow I propose you an idea: making a ladder.

First of all we won’t use “real” clans, but (my idea and can be revised) we will use teams made by 4 players.

In this way, we will have easly 6-8 mini teams that can play the ladder. (more players we have more team we make)

Now the problem is: how to make those teams?
My idea is to get 1 captain for every team we can make, and then start to chose players in this way:

1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 1 6 etc.

If you have any other idea, pls suggest.

When we scrim and vs who?

For the ladder I can make a grid; instead for “when”, teams that are going to scrim will chose togheter the exactly hour.


3 - Victory
1 - Draw
0 - Loss

Rounds: 4 rounds - 2 on map chosen by team A, 2 on map chosen by team B.

This is a starting draft, hope you will like it and give me some extra ideas.

If you want to partecipate write “I’m in” and I’ll add you to my Excel list


Welcome back Blizz!

I agree, Fk would annihilate any competition.

Overall I really like this idea, we had something similar drafted called the Grangerhub Olympics which involved teams by country. However, many countries are lacking enough players to formulate a team so this might be a better proposal.

The ghub olympics are basically the same idea but I’m going to be putting them on hold until they receive more expressed interest.

I’m in.

I like your idea, but I have another idea to prevent camp!

Victory: 3 points
Draw: 0 point
Loss: 0 point

wat competition

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The nosketeers

Please don’t start these useless flame wars and focus on the real subject of the topic.

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Right. “I’m in”

I would like to be one of the Captains.

I’m in lad

Cheeky nandos with the lads

I’m not going to sign up yet, because i have to mentally prepare for the possibility that i get put in the same team as bird.

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Competition assumes both teams are on an even keel, though.

bird is a great teammate. You would be lucky to have him.[quote=“bird, post:11, topic:1577, full:true”]
Competition assumes both teams are on an even keel, though.

guttural throat laugh*

Depends on the date this will be held, so I would sign up if I’m available. I would like to be in a team with all pros, since i’m not that good at playing I won’t turn the tides on any team.

My goal is to get teams balanced as possible. 2nd goal is to involve more players as possible. Maybe I’ll add some rules about “how to chose players” for captains.
Btw, I’ll do the captain too.

Please try to let ppl know about the event: your mates, players that often play the game, etc.

Tfw you don’t understand sarcasm

I’ll play.

The nosketeers vs the FKngolian

Tfw when you don’t understand that sarcasm can’t be conveyed over text.

I put a forum starter pack together for you Hero:

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I’m in.