Nice map Matth!
I do like the original fort5 so I am happy to see a remake. I look forward to playing this in pub and possibly scrims and I hope you listen to the communities feedback and adjust accordingly.
I floated around your map for 20 minutes or so and have some feedback to give you which you can choose to take or not, although keep in mind that my analysis on the gameplay is purely assumption as I have yet to play this in a pub setting. I would also like to start by saying that I think Menace gave some really great feedback and I agree with most if not all of his points.
I really like the look and design of the bases, they can lead to much more creative base designs. The textures in most areas are a welcome improvement although I would say they are not quite up to the standard of quality I am used to with your maps (tremor remake).
Overall the textures are very good although I very much disliked the ceiling texture used in the mouth of the bases and the underground area. It’s identical to the wall texture, overlaps, and looks a little stretched. It starts to burn my eyes a little and when you overuse textures like this it can lead to people getting lost within the map and start to get bored. Additionally it makes the lights look a little out of place and leaves clear indentations where you have laid the texture onto the brush.
Example I

Example II

The middle area floor texture is horrendously bad (although I later realise perhaps why) I am sure it can be improved
Example I

Example II

Please fix the alien layout so this is not possible (all 3 eggs in vision with a huge height and positional advantage). I would be willing to make a balanced layout for you if you like. (narrow edge also suffers with it’s layout)
Example I

My early concerns with the gameplay was “Why the fuck would you want to use the underground?” The upper areas lead to the bases considerably faster, provides advantages for both races to work with and overall look like more fun and dynamic gameplay. (along with nicer textures)
However, I noticed that using the button in the underground hub can actually open up the floor of the bunker outside (which kind of explains the ugly ass texture)
Picture for those who are wondering wtf im talking about

This definitely opens the map and allows a lot more diversity in which route you take to the opponents base, with similarities from the map nano.
From a gameplay standpoint I do have some concerns.
It might be perhaps better to have the button work in reverse (where pressing it will close it for a certain time period) and then having it open by default at the start. (This would allow people to use the button to cover their retreat from above) This zone also greatly favours aliens as there is only one way out of this hole should humans fall down it and controlling the button hub is likely easier for aliens.
Besides the ladder improvements recommended by Menace I would ask that you make the ladders more noticeable so that it is more intuitive to the average player to use them. The grey blends right in with the textures.
Additionally climbing down the ladders is quite difficult due to the little archs present at the top which stop you in your tracks. You have to approach it at a certain angle and literally jump down it.
Example I

When smoke loads on turrets, acid tubes fire and buildings explode you get spammed with this error. (tested locally and on the club server)

Another bug is when you open the middle area with the button it can never be opened again (one time use). Either that or it has an insanely high cooldown. Further testing confirms the latter (gameplay issue)
Thanks for the map! I look forward to seeing any updates/future work from you.