Map release: Nova

Reasonable enough. There is another possible approach, perhaps make the triggerplate larger so that the rc can fit on it, and then have either the rc or a repeater trigger the door.

Nice map there Matth :slight_smile:
As I said on the ATCS-Remake, Keep up the good work!

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Version 1.1 is now availabe to play on the GrangerPub server, the GrangerClub server, and on the test7341 server.


After some tests i will change the following points:

Human RC will be in base, somewhere near the Lift or the other Hangar. Humans first step will be to open the blastdoor and build at rc as fast as possible. This means good teamwork. Defenders support builders. I guess it will be possible to defend the first waves of as1 dretches until a decent base is finished. The door will be opened by a turrent because there isnt anything other that has the same size as an repeater. I will add a repeater somewhere near the triggerplate.
This will be oboslete until the new Tremulous is out. The buildpoints will also drop from 350 to 200.

A player brought up an interesting scenario, what happens if the humans decide to not open the blast door?

Well in that case nothing will happen. Same would happen in a map like mission map.

Perhaps humans should have some kind of incentive, like a bombing raid outside after a period of time, or something along those lines?

Actually i think this is not needed. Doesn’t matter if u get killed by a wall that crushes u to death (like mission map) or get killed by time. I like the idea to let the players decide what to do. Why wouldn’t the whole team NOT open the door anyways? That would be boring and map change will pop up really quick. But perhaps i could install a hurt system that is activated after some time (meteor shower).

Cool map! One weird behavior: the swinging light fixtures kill humans if you’re wearing a bsuit under it.

It only looks that way because GPP and 1.1 merged again. The combined population even a year ago was higher. It’s a placebo. The decline has slowed, but it definitely has not been reversed.

gpp wasn’t trem :wink:


One particular vent-only room is kinda bad. Too campy

What zip compression level do you use? You might be able to drop the map below 25MB with max compression so vanilla 1.1.0 can download it.

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This won’t be a problem for Trem1.3 and i don’t care about 1.1 clients (no offence).

You don’t care about your map being playable by the majority of the player base? Sounds like a good attitude for a mapper to have. /s

Actually I’m wrong. It’s 32MB, not 25MB. You’re fine.

hey it says the download doesn’t exist anymore.

You can download Nova (as well as a very large majority of Tremulous maps in existence) from the GrangerHub map repo ( )

oh ok thanks m8. just joined today.

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