Hi guys, i decided make tutorials about Modding Trem!
so it’s first.
Install MinGW here - http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/latest/download?source=files
After install you get Window, set in checkbox C++. C, G++, and othercompilers
Next, press Start menu, My Computer, and press right mouse on it, in opened window press Change settings, then Advanced>Envirumpent Varbies, in system varbies, you can see Path, edit it, at the end type ;C:\MinGW\bin (or elsewhere where you installed MinGW, but do install MinGW in default C:\MinGW
) so in result Path varbie gonna be have look "C:\SOmePath;C:\AnotherPath\To\idk;C:\MinGW\bin
now, you need Tremulous 1.1 or GPP source! you can download it from Official Trem repo in GitHub or (if from tar archive, if you set “install sourcecode” when installing trem), so extract it to exemple, em, C:\TremCODE
now open C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\ and run msys.bat as ADMINISTRATOR!
You got terminal, type there cd C:\TremCODE
Open Makefile in any text editor set BUILD_GAME_QVM to 1, and others BUILD_ to 0 (This if you wanna build QVM!!!, if you wan’t Client = BUILD_CLIENT = 1)
Now in terminal type Make and press enter, enjoy
here is uber easy!
- Open Terminal in any methods, which you know
- cd PathToSource;make