My Maps

Hi all,

I would like to let you know about my mpas. I made them some time ago. Would be fun if you can put them on your servers.

Here are the links to download them:

DayAfter: Download Link

GFIC: Download Link

Thank You !!!


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Obsession:Download Link

Sciardinu: Download Link

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First map made by me and my teammates, a bit laggy :slightly_smiling:

The Island: Download Link

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Some screen of maps.

Obsession MAP

Obsession MAP

Obsession MAP

Obsession MAP

DayAfter MAP

DayAfter MAP

DayAfter MAP

Fun fact: You can put multiple screenshots in a single post, and you can edit your posts.

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Yes I know but i cannot do it now cause new user :slightly_smiling:

Anyway what about loading maps to servers?

Have Fun !!!

Attempting to load theIsland gives an error: MAX PATCH PLANES

Does that happen on GrangerClub too, or just test7341 so far?

Just test7341 so far.

Added to the test7341 server and to GrangerClub

Added to the test7341 server, GrangerClub, and GrangerPub[quote=“ghostislol, post:2, topic:1330”]

Added to test7341 and GrangerClub

Added to test7341, GrangerPub, and GrangerClub

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Thanksssssss dGr8LookinSparky !!!

You’re very welcome @ghostislol :slight_smile:

Nice work hope you enjoy mapping.