There was a map i played a while back of a church. i cant remember what it was called but it has the perfect textures for the map im making. If anyone know what its called please let me know.
That is it! xD Thanks shuffle. Much appreciated.
All hail Desala.
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and me? have you forgotten the God of Spam?!
TheChurch is also on GrangerClub btw, and on GrangerHub’s repo . It is one of my favourites , even though the starting layout is rough on humans & they have to build right away (no rets) .
The map itself is pretty bad gameplay wise, jetcamp & no base for aliens.
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agreed. i just wanted it for the textures, for the map im making. if i make an outside area for a graveyard im going to box it in so jets cant fly very high, but still looks natural.
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