[PASSED: 2] Spamo

Mmm not totally sure… the immunity can be removed, followed by a ban if needed.

@Spamo waiting for your reply.

Admin levels is a rank system, so level 2 players are supposed to be affected by commands from higher levels than them. Well, at least that’s the way Wolf:ET worked.

I understand all of these rules cron. And i understand it will be removed if anyone reports me.

All the admin commands, mute, kick, ban, etc would still work on level 2 players by higher levels that have those commands. However, no one can call votes on players with vote immunity.

Look I don’t really care whether or not you get L2, that’s fine.

The thing is, your “reason” for needing L2 is bullshit and for the most part self-imposed.

I’ve personally sat in the server incognito and watched you steamroll whitenames with a mass driver and when they get mad you taunt them or jokingly say you hack to get a reaction, maybe if you didn’t have such a big mouth in-server you wouldn’t be so susceptible to kick votes.

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Shouldn’t you be doing more productive things, thrashmin?

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I’ll set you to L2, but treat it as a privilege - don’t try and taunt whitenamers and don’t claim that you hack. If you abuse the privilege it will be removed and a lovely ban will replace it.

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Fair enough. Thanks

Spamo is now registered as Scrotum Hopper - with L2.
L2 group is now renamed “Non-admin Protected Player”