Ping difference problem

Hi Foreigner here.

I would like to point out a problem with tremulous game-play.

So lets start out with what the problem is.

To start of with i would like to note that the ping difference in each player is a problem, for example someone who is good who has a 138 ping vs someone who is also good with a 50 ping or 20 ping or 80/90 ping, so who is most likely to win? well the most probability is that the person with a 24/50/80/90 ping would win over the person with a 117/138/160 ping. The problem is that the person with the 20/50/80/90 ping will get a better chance at killing the other person with 117/138/160 ping person because their client is receiving the pinged information from the server faster than the person with the 117/138 ping. This makes the opponent of the 20/50/80/90 ping player appear slower and more laggyer but on the 117/138 ping player they just see it normally and see that the other person will kill them first eg a dretch is gonna bite a humans head but the dretch has a greater ping than the human so the humans dodges the dretch and kills it before the dretch gets a chance to. What I would like to see done about this is to make an average ping then set the minimal ping to that average. To accomplish this i think we must have to get 25 people’s pings(write them down in notepad) and add them all up together then divide by 25, once you got your answer you then right it down in notepad in this form: Average Players Ping(APP): average ping number. Then set your answer to the minimal ping(eg lets say it is like 118) you would set 118(not real answer) it to minimal ping and save it. So that means that everyone would get a fair chance at getting kills evenly and i also suggest to raising maximum ping higher so people don’t get like 999 all the time(might help reduce this lag problem on UN-lagged servers.

Thanks for reading this topic/post.

From Foreigner.


Ping is for depend from your location to our server of distance. If you want to make optimal ping is nothing solution for it, unless your connection speed have faster than our server will better way.

@Foreigner was referring to reducing the advantage in the difference of pings between different players by having the server automatically artificially raise the ping of players lower than the current average ping up to that average. It sounds like an interesting idea, does anyone know if any other games have/had that feature, and how it worked out?


@dGr8LookinSparky to my knowledge I haven’t played a game with this but i have seen some games which have the ping balance in them(forgot the name(s)). The way it works is practically the way you said it(long story short) or my long version in more detail. The way i hope this would work is to get every player to have a fair chance at getting kills but on other games which have the ping balance i noticed on forums for certain servers that they have the problem of hackers increasing(like aimbotters etc, but since Tremulous has a low player count with the average being 25 players a day, so aimbotters aren’t a problem(unless Tremulous increases its population to 150-500 players a day) aren’t seen much or at all in-game. Plus people wont look for an aimbot in the game if there is hardly anyone playing because what is the point of doing it. Anyway ill try and look out for games and name them and tell you how it worked out so maybe we could implement the idea and start developing it for like all servers/1.3 game client.


Keep in mind that one of our intentions for 1.3 is to drastically grow the Tremulous player base, so for new features and enhancements it is important to think in terms of how they would affect and be affected by a larger player base. But are you sure that the artificial pings in those games was a direct/indirect factor in the increased occurrences of aimbots in those games? If so, why would that be?