Results of Scrims

Is there a way to see the results of scrims listed on the forum ?
If there is not, do you think it would be a good idea to create any entry on the last scrims, the players, and more guidance if necessary. Many players ar interested in the results of scrims and I think this could revive clan matches on tremulous !

Very good idea. We do plan on having the GrangerTracker record and display the results of scrims. But until the system is ready we should have a scrim results thread, I’ll look into finding someone to maintain that thread.


You can see scrim results on certain clan pages located on this forum. GrangerTracker sounds like an awesome feature.

Okay but for exemple the scrim : $ vs ITA can i see the players ? And tell me sparky if you need help to create the GrangerTracker (i founded the concept :yum:)