I’ve been thinking about this idea for a while for Granger’s lab, in every game I’ve played I’ve never seen aliens have a shield type, when I played tremulous I thought, because humans don’t have some kind of shield, and here’s the idea, this shield can be built by the building kit, a kind of wall hologram, but i don’t want to leave it the same as aliens, this wall, aliens and humans can pass without any consequence, but it blocks any kind of projectile, be like a adv dragon or shots, but if you take too much projectile and shoot it, it can be destroyed
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Actually this is something we have been thinking of doing recently. KoRx had a shield buildable that was similar in concept to the alien barricade. One different though is that to lower and raise you would have to activate the shield with the q button. Something that I would like to add to the shield behavior however, based on the similar behavior of another buildable that the Edge mod had, is an invisible cylinder shaped force-field (that is client side predicted), extending to the highest ceiling point above the bbox of the shield, that would push nearby players away when activated by nearby aliens.
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