Some can help me?

i have a problem, the tremfusion client is not compatible with my windows 8.1 and i don’t know what client are good. (i try risujin,FSM and the client from and all are really bad. the tremfusion is good but i can’t run in windows 8.1 because i have a problem with mouse :frowning:

if some can help me thanks :slight_smile:
sorry my english :C xD GoodBye

Note. i try tremulous GPP client 1.2 and can’t run too. Stupid windows 8.1 but i like because is more fast than windows 10 and 7 (if w8.1 sucks i change to 7)
but i have some games and i like it :slight_smile:

What is the problem with the mouse? This?

If so, it looks like you can either download that package, or modify your registry yourself (see the instructions further down on that page).

nah i cant, i will make a video :slight_smile: but thanks for your help

here is the video.

put in 1080p for better quality :slight_smile:


hmmm, it’s seems like you have WRONG mouse, maybe ur mouse requires some DRIVER?
then install it.

nahh i change mouse and the problem persist :frowning:
drivers? nah, is this windows 8.1 :frowning: thx for your help :smiley:

I dont think its windows 8.1 because i have windows 8.1 and tremfusion works fine. very odd issue.

@Nicolas21550 your issue MIGHT be this: Mouse input in some games is incorrectly scaled on high-DPI devices - Windows Client | Microsoft Docs
So, follow the instructions in the ‘Workaround’ and let us know if that fixes it.

nah. i can´t :frowning:
mhn i need windows 7 or 10 for play trem and aspaldht 8 mhn.
gah if trem suck in 8.1 i leave trem guys i like more aspaldht 8 and windows 8.1
i don’t like windows 10 for now

guys the only solution a this problem is using rinjusin client but really sucks :frowning: ok almost i can play trem for now

ok problem solved i can run tremfusion in Windows 8.1 :slight_smile: goodbye