Since Tremulous was released in 2006 until now, it’s 10th anniversary of release Tremulous, and I glad to all people who still survived to play Tremulous including me.
But after released it and custom mapping was appeared, we know that some people blaming about mapping structures was too complicated, or someone said “too bad” for making who paying, even have so many problems of it.
Also the BP, this is really really important point! Some people said that mapper adjust BP was not very good at all, but this happened is said about unlimited or too much used, that’s why I said it’s really terrible question.
BUT the problem is, some people said that 250 BP (example of BP) is too much, they complaint and want to get back to normal as standard (100 BP). As my opinion, this standard BP is [color=red]NOT[/color] enough for building things and will end up the game so quickly, so I need to improve those end up will how can we need to stay alive and how we will lose or win. [spoiler](250BP is still not too much, what the heck is going on?)[/spoiler]
And also too much BP can cause graphics performance affecting by builds, I know that it’s common point, but I’m not just fxcking people for about problem, and I know this is fxcked up. I can solve this problem with discussing admin/mapper for how mapping will getting improve. I shall all people are not to blame about Tremulous. So please, I was crying and missed Tremulous since it was RIP. I played it for almost 8 years!
Well, if anyone who didn’t like customized BP? Only one answers as so easy, DON’T PLAY IT! And please not to spam for voting change map because it’s annoying to other people are playing. I’m here to want all people peacefully, not like fighting on war without reason. I need to calm down 'cause I’m crying.
Hope everyone will understand.
L4 [color=lred]G[/color][color=cyan]Hub[/color] Admin,