Unstoppable shaders

Guys, I finally found some minor bugs that were unable to climb/walk on logos for aliens, so I take these shader paths to fix it:

Original (without able climbing result)

	surfaceparm nobuild
	surfaceparm noimpact	
	surfaceparm nomarks
	surfaceparm slick
        map textures/unstoppable/unstoppable_logo.jpg
        blendFunc add

        map textures/unstoppable/ghub_logo.jpg
		blendFunc add
        map textures/unstoppable/credits_lines.jpg
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE
        tcmod scale 8.25 8.25
        tcmod scroll .060 .060
		map $lightmap 
		blendfunc filter
		tcGen lightmap 
		depthFunc equal

Current (able climbing)

	surfaceparm noimpact	
	surfaceparm nomarks
	surfaceparm trans
	surfaceparm nonsolid
        map textures/unstoppable/unstoppable_logo.jpg
        blendFunc add

	surfaceparm trans
	surfaceparm nonsolid
        map textures/unstoppable/ghub_logo.jpg
		blendFunc add
        map textures/unstoppable/credits_lines.jpg
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE
        tcmod scale 8.25 8.25
        tcmod scroll .060 .060
		map $lightmap 
		blendfunc filter
		tcGen lightmap 
		depthFunc equal

These “surfaceparm trans” and “surfaceparm nonsolid” are shader paths that can able to through textures by players, I tested it and it works. This fixed shader paths will be available in next update. :wink:

Hope will understand.


Next time ask me when you have a probem with a shader you copied from me. Maybe saves time :wink:

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Ok! I’ll get that point and will call you when I’m trouble. :wink:

There is a slick shader somewhere that can be applied seperately, no need for having it in the shader.
That way you can chose in radiant if you need it slick or not.

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