no it wouldn’t, human would be climbing up it then BANG headshot easy kill
New version uploaded. See first post and changelog.
Is it possible that I get map source?
@yalt , if you are interested , @TheDushan has been working on a newer renderer more advance than what we currently have in the 1.3 client, and @TheDushan would like to modify this map to demonstrate the new features of his renderer, like what he has been doing with the eXcs map:
So if you were to release the source to this map, it would be for a good cause . Or, if you prefer, and would be interested, perhaps you could work with @TheDushan to modify this map accordingly.
@TheDushan , what are the new features that your render has, that 1.3’s current renderer2 doesn’t have?
Awesome, thanks @yalt ! I very much appreciate it! @TheDushan , I look forward to seeing screenshots of your progress
Thank you very much
I will try not to ruin it too much
Awesome screenshots @TheDushan ! Something that we are going to have to do is give the buildable assets (as well as the assets for the players/weapons/etc), a make over taking full advantage of the advance renderer features, otherwise they stand out in a bit of a weird way, and wouldn’t do maps like these justice.
And then I found that there is a CTCS for Unvanquished
You guys have no idea how much I wanted to compare
Original map for the Tremulous 1.3
Unvanquished “CTCS” map with every possible settings turned on (and what I can think)
My soul selling and the deal with Lucifer himself
We need to remove that hand model and replace it with a higher definition version of the Tremulous human one, then get that rifle skin or something.
I don’t have other textures or models. Because of that reason I am working with what I have
Ah, well I think to fit the theme of this new looks for Trem we should have something like an update to at least first person textures? To be fair if we make the maps all HD and then don’t touch the buildables, models and what not then it’d seem weird. I’m not saying that you alone should do it but I find it a good idea?