Which alien is your favorite to play as?

Title says it all.

I’ll start. Mine is Advanced Marauder. It plays unlike anything else on the market, let alone Tremulous. Its fast, its bounces, requires actual skill and practice to make the most out of each map and the chain lightning is underrated for taking out grouped up structure spam. I always experiment with this alien to see how often I can keep my momentum up during a fight.

What about you? Feel free to talk about it.

Unless you are going to choose:


Anyone who chooses this alien can feel free to benefit the human gene pool by alleviating themselves from the face of this planet. All you purple dildos do in the beginning of the game is keep playing as Dretch until you rush 3 evos to xX1headshotXx humans all day then bounce back to regenerate and do it all over again.

Yes, I am mad. Fuck you all.

As the best adv dragoon to ever grace ghub I think it’s obvious what alien is my favorite

Basilisk, obviously.

Power Grangers all the way. Someday I’ll try to stop being so terrible with the other classes.

That’s @Menace13 's department

It’s so cute that you think you’re better than me at adv.






Granger for sure ^^

baslick best alein

what he said, though I have no lisk skills.

Obviously Tyrant :stuck_out_tongue:


jk it’s really the granger :smiley:

Battle granger

My favorite alien is the Lucifer cannon.

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Wrong allready.

My favorite alien is, suprisingly, dretch.

The [color=cyan]BEST[/color] aliens is the alien that dies from my [color=RED]LUCIFER CANNON BALLZ[/color]… but only when I’m humans.

I like the mara when humans are s1, dretch when humans s2 and rant when I see @bird and @Hero shotgunning me from the other side of hall in atcs.

You rant against shotguns? What a pussy.

Dretch, of course

best dretches are the ones that avoid the floor as much as possible

whenever i see players following that old piece of advice and still do well, i can’t help but be impressed

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megamara (c) (r) ™ amz 200X-201X

It’s not that hard, that depend of the map.
Atcs is easy with the tunnel, not the same with a map like mercy