Seems like some people actually think this “kamikaze alien” may be viable. So I’m creating a spreadsheet for it 
Kamikaze Alien Unit Spreadsheet
[Placeholder Name]
Stage: 3, or maybe even 4(Not sure, since both seem like viable stages. To the community: please share your opinion)
Cost: 1 evo
Unit Role: Cannon Fodder/Suicide Unit
What it looks like: I imagined something that looks like a spider. It has a bulbous abdomen, like this picture from a Zelda game I know
Of course, it won’t have an eyeball as its abdomen. I’m imagining the abdomen would be acid-green, like banelings from starcraft. That’s about all there is to it.
HP: [color=red]Extremely Low[/color] (30-40)
Movement speed: fast (slower than a dretch, and slightly larger than it too)
Abilities: Stealth: Undetected by human radar while the OM is active or while it is at full health. (Thanks, @Bluefire !)
Wallwalk: self explanatory (this is still an issue of debate whether it should have wallwalk, but I’m thinking it should otherwise it becomes nigh impossible to ambush the humans even if you have stealth, let alone arrive at the battlefield without getting shot.)
Silent footsteps?
Primary attack: Pathetic slash (20 damage.) Activated by M1
Secondary attack: Burst. The unit self kills and does something to the units around it in a short range (around a bit larger than the size of a tyrant.) Activated using M2.
Notes: (Damage of burst undecided as of now. My ideas are: 1. Heavy damage to buildings, mediocre damage to humans. 2. Heavy splash damage to ALL targets, buildings unaffected. 3. Mediocre damage, lowers the defense value of humans [ie. they take a set percentage more damage])
[color=red]IMPORTANT[/color]: If you are killed prematurely, you will die without detonating. Therefore, you must Ambush your targets to be successful.
Strategy: Ambush is the key word here. Play like dretch. Ambush your enemies. Moving randomly is even more important because: even though you have more health than the dretch, you are slower than it and therefore easier to be hit and taken out. Careful though! If you do mess up even the tiniest bit, it will decrease your survivability and possibly harm your own team.
[color=Gree]+Cheap yet effective[/color]
[color=red]-Difficult to play well[/color]