A GrangerPub gameplay disruption log

There has never been a question of implementing administration tools on gpub? I’ve always been answered “slackers is OBSOLETE™”.

Insignificant changes in admin activity? It is kind of hard to find people in every timezone out there, that play 6 hours per day each.

5% of the cases is not often – Given there is an admin online to revert.

These statements are relatively true and dependant of eachother. It seems rather obvious admins should be able to check the logs easi(er)ly. Being able to see what’s going on the server, and admining it from IRC (KEK.) could also be a major improvement to some admins’ activity.

I still believe that most of the problem lies in activity and competence over having the “appropriate” (We are lucky enough, 1.1 QVMs come with a handful of nice shit) tools.

(Also, lost access to the logs again because I swapped computers. Note that apparently cron, sparky and I are the only 3 (active) admins that have access to the server logs at the time.)

then u don’t just find a few admins, but enough to cover all time frames with reasonable probability: the more statistically active the time frame, the more admins covering it is desired. fortunately, the more the time frame is active, the greater the selection of players, and thus, in general, candidates for admins.

i feel it’s more like 25% when there is an admin to revert. this includes cases where a full revert is not possible due to buildable bounding box imprecision (by the old, crappy code), and cases where partial damage is not reverted or some damage is suffered during the downtime, allowing the „fair” destruction of many weakened buildables; this already is „beyond repair”, but in most cases, even a loss follows.


the situation may get worse due to mr. DICKBUTT: he believes that since he is the server machine operator, he is the only one who should have access to the logs.

Aside from !revert not handling overrides correctly, even though you can’t heal the damage the structures suffer from a basenade, the ones that will get reverted will have full health. It balances it out a bit, obviously when it is just a “bleed-nade” and everything is at 1/4th of their life, shit’s fucked.
In most cases, a good usage of pause and revert is more than sufficient to handle those problems (arm overriding node? The players will rebuild it. Sure it’s not optimal, but it only very slightly impacts the game and has functionned for 10 years.). Reverting is also more stressful (holy-shit-people-will-rape-my-ass-and-burn-my-house kind of stress) and less efficient in SD due to those reasons.

5% with a competent admin online, 25% with N16634S. (We are talking beyond any possible repair.)

All revert needs is 1. fixing the override, 2. being able to heal (or de-damage) damaged buildables, 3. people who don’t nig up when using it, and/or 4. a way to de-revert reverted shit.

Ckit log entry 221 : devhc is still ignorant and WRONG enough to assume that anything he writes down in this pitiful log of his will be considered fact by the administration and player base.


There are far more gameplay disruptions that are dealt with than ones that aren’t.

If I see an admin breaking rules as you’ve described then they would be demoted/punished. If you have no evidence of this then I won’t take action.

Most of our admins are more than competent enough to know how to use a simple command without instruction. Furthermore there is a thread on the admin forums that gives instructions on how to use commands, and when to use them.

There have been very few reports on the forums of players breaking rules, and with no evidence we shouldn’t do anything. This thread is an example as it lacks evidence, it’s just your word against someone else’s.

This is all completely useless, because:

How do you expect anything to be done if you refuse to report griefers properly?

The server is monitored by unpaid people who have things to do other than sit on trem 24/7. We neither expect nor ask people to sit for several hours a day doing nothing but monitor the activity of players. At peak times when there are 30+ players on I regularly see 4-5 admins who deal with the problems that occur.

This is idiotic. We’ve laid out a proper way to make reports, you ignore it, and now you’re complaining about your reports not being dealt with.

They’re also better than nothing, and without them nothing will be done, because we won’t ban people based purely on conjecture.

We have at least 35 active admins in most timezones across the world. We have asked for extra commands to help out admins, and afaik they’re being implemented onto 1.3.

We do not have the playerbase to ban hundreds of people without it having a major effect on the server. We also have demoted admins several times for abusing, and if you actually provided evidence or reported an admin’s abuse of power then they too would be reported.

The server is not nearly as bad as you seem to think it is.

Some players don’t want to be admin, and sometimes there aren’t any appropriate candidates in any given timezone. Having said that, there aren’t that many times when there are no admins on whatsoever.

What do you suggest?

Off-topic but your lack of capitalisation is disgusting to read, too.



Should these disruptions be avoided as much as possible? Yes. The claims you are making are quite bad and hopefully are supported by evidence and player reports. I do believe there should be a reasonable expectation of GP staff accepting the responsibility to make GrangerPub “un-disruptive” as possible.

So far, I’ve seen GP staff addressing player reports and issues adequately thus far on the forums, but I’m not aware of the severity of these issues in-server. Perhaps you do have legitimate grievances that should be taken into consideration, rather than ignored.


These are issues not unique to GrangerPub, remember this before busting the nuts of people who do it FOR FREE™.

This is acceptable.

Lets make it clear. GrangerPub staff =/= GrangerHub staff. I still understand the point you’re trying to make.

This is also acceptable. I see no issue having players spend their free time making sure that GrangerPub staff are doing their jobs. In fact in my PERSONAL OPINION, I think this should be encouraged as long as players do it reasonably, respectfully and provide evidence to back up these claims. But, it is ultimately it is up to the administrators to decide if “issues” are worth acting on, not third parties.

DevHC, you are probably aware of this, but I will make the point anyways for everyone else to see.

GrangerPub staff are not robots, they will not always be able to solve disruptions caused by DICKBUTTS 100% perfectly in a niche community playing an open-source standalone 2006 ioquake3 mod of an shitty Quakeworld clone from the asshole of 1999. Human administration can only go so far when we have a game thats still relying on Quake Virtual Machines in 2016. Admins will fuck up. Trolls will get away with shit. GrangerPub is unique in that it tries to let players be assholes to a certain extent without being hit by the ban hammer.

Ultimately, for now, the best solution is to keep games running smoothly on average and for players to follow the rules, proactively use GrangerPub features such as /ignore and most of all, keep the game fun.


This thread should be flagged just to fit in lol

I don’t know how this thread is important at all. Seems more like a rant to be honest. (no pun intended) It’s just DevHC trying to tutor GrangerHub admins for not doing anything at all. I kind of agree, but I can’t do anything considering level 3 has absolutely no cmds for anti-griefing.

Thread moved to GrangerPub Servers since it seems to be addressing GP specifically.

Its important to note that logs should be submitted under Reports and are subject to the rules of reporting.

Was present, but was FREEZING™ due to third-world craptop post loading, so I lifted the kick as soon as I could and took care of Desala (for now - subnetted at the end of a 45 mins game, he was beneficial to the human team.).)

I forgot to give you level 2 earlier. I’ll grant you vote immunity as soon as I see you on the server or remember your registered name.

In the future, as a player, when trying to deal with Desala when he hasn’t done anything, I recommend PMing an admin with (ideally) ban (L5+) to take care of him. That’ll avoid unnecessary backfiring votes, or decon.

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what kind of a retardlogic is that ?

u rekick an already-banned player immediately upon noticing. if that means that the human team will feel lost afterwards, then that’s the abuse-doing of the said player — increase the ban based on the significance of this situation.

I’m sorry for not fucking yet another game with 10+ people on the human team up just because someone was being a faggot and deserved to be banned.

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion Regarding How Rules Are Applied

Previous responses moved since I believe they didn’t belong here. If you have any concerns, just PM me. kthx

oh look, another fag who only supports the human team. is there an unbiased reason why u chose to keep the game fucked up for the alien team with also 10+ players ?

The game would’ve been over in less than 5 minutes had I gotten rid of him. Why does it even tear you a new asshole that he wasn’t banned directly? It would’ve been the same shit had he been on the alien side (except for the fact it was stacked as shit.). You just sound like a mindless, very bland troll to me.

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irrelevant. why not balance the teams sizes ? also, where were ?

because of ur weak mentality by which u succumb to such matters.

Because they were balanced already as they were.

i mean after removing the dickhead.

How do U want me to do that? Plug a potato into the craptop’s USB ports to give it extra processing power so I can reach a refresh rate higher than 10 fps? Spawn players magically out of my ass or putteam people and piss them off?

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u don’t need moar than 10 FPS to lascamp on the reactor.